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I want to change every css rule in a string whitch I extracted from a HTML email body.
The string contains css inside a element whitch influence my website styling.

I want to add an element (div class) to every css rule inside that string.
Is this possible with php?


$string = '<style type="text/css">body { blah blah } .div1 { blah blah } .div2 { blah blah }</style> Blah blah blah body text blah blah';

$extractcss = strip_tags($string , '<style>');

I want to add .mydiv to every css rule to get this:

$extractcss = '.mydiv body { blah blah } .mydiv .div1 { blah blah } .mydiv .div2 { blah blah }';

With the new string I want to influence the styling of the email body so that it no longer has any effect on my website styling.

Thanks in advance!



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    With te help of this topic I have the solution for my problem.

    With the following function I parse the CSS from a string. After that I make a new css string with a div class in front of every css rule.

    function parse_css($cssstring){
                                preg_match_all( '/(?ims)([a-z0-9s.:#_-@,]+){([^}]*)}/', $cssstring, $arr);
                                $result = array();
                                foreach ($arr[0] as $i => $x){
                                    $selector = trim($arr[1][$i]);
                                    $rules = explode(';', trim($arr[2][$i]));
                                    $rules_arr = array();
                                    foreach ($rules as $strRule){
                                        if (!empty($strRule)){
                                            $rule = explode(":", $strRule);
                                            $rules_arr[trim($rule[0])] = trim($rule[1]);
                                    $selectors = explode(',', trim($selector));
                                    foreach ($selectors as $strSel){
                                        $result[$strSel] = $rules_arr;
                                return $result;
    // Extract and change css style
                            if ( str_contains($message, '<style') ) { 
                                $extractcss = strip_tags($message, '<style>');
                                $parsecss = parse_css($extractcss);
                                $newcssstring = '<style type="text/css">';
                                foreach ( $parsecss as $key => $value ) {
                                    $newcssstring .= '.message-body '. $key .' { ';
                                        foreach ( $value as $k => $v ) {
                                            $newcssstring .= $k .': '. $v .'; ';
                                    $newcssstring .= ' } ';
                                $newcssstring .= '</style>';
                                $message = preg_replace("#([<]style)(.*)([<]/style[>])#s", "<!-- style extracted -->", $message);
                                $message= $newcssstring . $message;

  2. The code have some error, anyway the simpliest way is to use the str_replace() php function

    $newstring=str_replace("{",".mydiv {",$string);
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