I am working on a project where I can search up chemical compounds.
I have an autocomplete feature to the searchbar, but it appears an error when I hosted the website. This is the error I got:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
at JSON.parse ()
at ajax_request.onreadystatechange
Here is the front-end page:
function autocomplete(inp) {
/*the autocomplete function takes two arguments,
the text field element and an array of possible autocompleted values:*/
var currentFocus;
/*execute a function when someone writes in the text field:*/
inp.addEventListener("input", function(e) {
var a, b, i, val = this.value;
/*close any already open lists of autocompleted values*/
if (!val) {
return false;
currentFocus = -1;
/*create a DIV element that will contain the items (values):*/
a = document.createElement("DIV");
a.setAttribute("id", this.id + "autocomplete-list");
a.setAttribute("class", "autocomplete-items");
/*append the DIV element as a child of the autocomplete container:*/
// Check if the user input is at least one character
if (val.length >= 1) {
// Create form data to submit with php
var form_data = new FormData();
form_data.append('query', val);
// Create ajax request
var ajax_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax_request.open('POST', 'process_data.php', true);
ajax_request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (ajax_request.readyState == 4 && ajax_request.status == 200) {
// Store the matching compounds in an array
var arr = JSON.parse(ajax_request.responseText);
/*for each item in the array...*/
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
/*check if the item starts with the same letters as the text field value:*/
/*create a DIV element for each matching element:*/
b = document.createElement("DIV");
/*make the matching letters bold:*/
b.innerHTML = "<strong>" + arr[i].title.substr(0, val.length) + "</strong>";
b.innerHTML += arr[i].title.substr(val.length);
b.innerHTML += " - " + arr[i].name;
/*insert a input field that will hold the current array item's value:*/
b.innerHTML += "<input type='hidden' value='" + arr[i].title + "'>";
/*execute a function when someone clicks on the item value (DIV element):*/
b.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
/*insert the value for the autocomplete text field:*/
inp.value = this.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value;
/*close the list of autocompleted values,
(or any other open lists of autocompleted values:*/
And here is the back-end code (php) process_data.php:
include(ROOT_PATH . '/app/database/mysqli.connect.php');
include(ROOT_PATH . '/app/database/db.php');
if (isset($_POST["query"])) {
$query = $_POST['query'];
$result = selectALL("formulae", ['enabled' => 1]);
$autocompleteResult = array();
if ($result) {
foreach ($result as $row) {
//array_push($autocompleteResult, );
$autocompleteResult[$row['id']]['title'] = strip_tags($row["title"]);
$autocompleteResult[$row['id']]['name'] = $row["name"];
$autocompleteResult = array_values($autocompleteResult);
$listResult = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($autocompleteResult); $i++) {
if (strtoupper(substr($autocompleteResult[$i]['title'], 0, strlen($query))) == strtoupper($query) || strtoupper(substr($autocompleteResult[$i]['name'], 0, strlen($query))) == strtoupper($query)) {
$listResult[$i]['title'] = $autocompleteResult[$i]["title"];
$listResult[$i]['name'] = $autocompleteResult[$i]["name"];
$listResult = array_values($listResult);
echo json_encode($listResult);
Thank you for helping me in advance!
I tried to change the javascript to see if there were something wrong there, and the back-end script which filters the search
Removed .htaccess rules that displays "nice" urls. That made the back-end not redirect. And it now works. Suggestion by @ADyson
Try console.log(ajax_request.responseText) before calling to JSON.parse() and have a look to it.