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Using while loop to print 10-20 odd numbers on the screen, with <-> (exapmle 11-13-15-17-19, <-> not after 19).How to take the last number so as not to put a -. Thank you.


$x = 10;
while($x < 20){
   if($x % 2){
      echo $x. "-";



  1. You can push the odd values to an array and after the loop you can convert the array to a string with the implode ( function.

    $x = 10;
    $arr = [];
      if ($x%2){
        $arr[] = $x;
    echo implode(",", $arr);
    // output will be a comma seperated string

    without (helper)array
    You can use rtrim() ( funktion.

    $str = "1,2,3,";
    echo rtrim($str,",");
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  2. As mentioned in the comments, have a boolean variable say firstTime. If this is true, don’t prepend a hyphen, else if it is false, prepend it with a hyphen.

    $x = 10;
    $firstTime = true;
    while($x < 20){
       if($x % 2){
          echo ($firstTime ? "" : "-") . $x;
          $firstTime = false;
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  3. Simple approach

    Imagine you are printing a list of numbers from 10 to 20. If it’s an even number, print the "-" symbol and if it’s odd number, print the number.

    $start = 10;
    $end = 20;
      echo ($n%2==0)?"-":$n; //the gist is here
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