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I have a PHP script that will encrypt data to store in a database, but when I run the script, the openssl_encrypt returns false with the error: "error:1C800066:Provider routines::cipher operation failed".

    $cipher = str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents("/key/cipher"));
    $iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
    $options = 0;
    $iv = str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents("/key/iv"));
    $key = str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents("/key/key"));

    $firstName = openssl_encrypt($data["firstName"], $cipher, $key, $options, $iv);

I have verified that all of these files exist on my pc, as well as $data["firstName"] is actually received.

The data that fails is a first name about 6 characters long, but when I type in an email, which is about 19 characters long, it works perfectly fine.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Even though the cipher I was using aes-256-xts, which is on the list when I call the openssl_get_cipher_methods(); function, I switched to aes-256-ctr and it started working.

  2. The error you are encountering, "error:1C800066:Provider routines::cipher operation failed", suggests that the OpenSSL encryption operation is failing due to an issue with the provided parameters or the environment setup. Here are a few steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

    1. Check the Lengths and Validity of IV and Key:

      • Ensure that the IV length matches the expected length for the specified cipher.
      • Ensure that the key length matches the expected length for the specified cipher.
    2. Verify Cipher, IV, and Key:

      • Ensure that the cipher, IV, and key are correctly read from the files.
      • Ensure that they do not contain any unexpected characters, such as whitespace or newline characters.
    3. Debug Output:

      • Add debugging statements to verify the lengths and content of the cipher, IV, and key.

    Here’s an improved version of your code with added debugging statements:

    $cipher = str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents("/key/cipher"));
    $iv = str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents("/key/iv"));
    $key = str_replace("n", "", file_get_contents("/key/key"));
    echo "Cipher: $ciphern";
    echo "IV: $ivn";
    echo "IV Length: " . strlen($iv) . "n";
    echo "Key: $keyn";
    echo "Key Length: " . strlen($key) . "n";
    $iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($cipher);
    $options = 0;
    if ($iv_length !== strlen($iv)) {
        echo "Error: IV length does not match expected length for the cipher.n";
    $firstName = openssl_encrypt($data["firstName"], $cipher, $key, $options, $iv);
    if ($firstName === false) {
        echo "Error: " . openssl_error_string() . "n";
    } else {
        echo "Encrypted firstName: $firstNamen";


    1. Debug Output:

      • Print the values of the cipher, IV, and key.
      • Print the lengths of the IV and key.
    2. Check IV Length:

      • Verify that the length of the IV matches the expected length for the specified cipher.
    3. OpenSSL Error Output:

      • Print the OpenSSL error message if the encryption operation fails.

    Additional Considerations:

    • Ensure that the cipher method you are using is supported by your OpenSSL version. You can check the list of supported ciphers using openssl_get_cipher_methods().

    Here’s an example to list supported ciphers:

    • Make sure that the /key/cipher, /key/iv, and /key/key files contain the correct data without any extra characters or formatting issues.
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