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I´m using composer to install the the google api client Packagist Google API Client.

After I installed it using composer require google/apiclient it installed like normal.
After that I tried to use it in the example below

use GoogleServiceShoppingContent;
use GoogleAuthCredentialsServiceAccountCredentials;

class GoogleShoppingContentAPI
  private $service;

  public function __construct($credentialsPath) {
    // Create the credentials object
    $credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials(
    // Create the Shopping Content Service with the credentials
    $this->service = new ShoppingContent(['credentials' => $credentials]);

  public function getProducts($merchantID)
    try {
      // Fetch a list of products
      $products = $this->service->products->listProducts($merchantID);
      // Return the product data as an array
      return $products->getResources();
    } catch (GoogleServiceException $e) {
      throw new Exception("Error: " . $e->getMessage());

However when running the code it prints out this error:

Class Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "GoogleAuthCredentialsServiceAccountCredentials" not found in /Users/Shared/www/inc/ on line 15

It is in our autoload and our autoload is required before running the code aboved.
The Google namespace isnt occupied by another package aswell.

I already looked through our project and did not found any duplicate namespaces related to google.
Also reinstalling aswell composer update did not changed anything.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Okay, I´m a bit embarrassed to admit but I ran the composer require command in the wrong folder. So that's why it got installed but it wasn't able to be autoloaded. Shame on me. 😅

  2. A quick look at the github source of that library suggests that the class you’re looking for isn’t there any more:

    You probably need a more up-to-date guide to follow.
    If you look at the github you’ll see some examples of how to use the API now. Good luck!

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