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I want to display a menu for that clicked element when I click on a certain element.

enter image description here
enter image description here

to make it look like on screenshots. In the future, by clicking on the "edit" or "delete" span, it will edit or delete the data of the field selected by the user.

$checkProducts = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM `products`");
while ($resCheckProduct = mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkProducts)) {
    $checkUnits = mysqli_query($connect, "SELECT * FROM `units` WHERE id_unit = {$resCheckProduct['unit']}");
    while ($resCheckUnits = mysqli_fetch_assoc($checkUnits)) {

        <tr class="tr-content">
            <td><input type="checkbox" name="" id=""></td>
            <td><span class="icon-menu-span" data-id="<?= $resCheckProduct['id_product'] ?>"></span>
                <div class="table-div-menu-product" data-id="<?= $resCheckProduct['id_product'] ?>">
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['name'] ?></td>
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['description'] ?></td>
            <td><img class="tableProduct-img" src="<?= $resCheckProduct['image'] ?>" alt=""></td>
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['available_balance'] ?></td>
            <td><?= $resCheckUnits['abbreviated'] ?></td>
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['retail_price'] ?>₽</td>
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['purchase_price'] ?>₽</td>
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['date_of_creation'] ?></td>
            <td><?= $resCheckProduct['date_of_change'] ?></td>

    butOpenWindowMenu = document.getElementsByClassName('icon-menu-span')[],
    modalWindowMenu = document.getElementsByClassName('table-div-menu-product')[];

butOpenWindowMenu.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
    e.preventDefault(); = 'block';

window.addEventListener('click', function (modal) {
    if ( == modalWindowMenu) { = 'none';



  1. You can use querySelector and pass the css selector document.querySelector('icon-menu-span[data-id=*]')

    you can also grab the data-id from the clicked target and use that inside the css selector to open that element or use relative dom navigation to update the menu item.

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  2. I think you want to do something like this to open them:

    var butOpenWindowMenus = document.querySelectorAll('.icon-menu-span');
    for (var butOpenWindowMenu of butOpenWindowMenus) {
      butOpenWindowMenu.addEventListener('click', function() {
        document.querySelector('.table-div-menu-product[data-id="''"]).style.display = 'block';
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