I just updated this data table to display another column but now the the ERP Color is displaying in the wrong column, as seen below the color should be under the column ERP not Recipe
Below is how my data table is set up:
var largePressTable;
var largeMC;
var startedLarge = false;
function getLargeDryMixTable(start, finish) {
date_range = "Start:   <span class="selectedDate">" + start + "</span> 7am<br />Finish: <span class="selectedDate">" + finish + "</span> 7am";
document.getElementById('PressTableLargeTitle').innerHTML = date_range;
largePressTable = $('#largeTableWidthPressID').DataTable( {
destroy: true,
ajax: {
'type': 'POST',
'url': '../ajax/drymix/drymixTable.ajax.php',
'data': {
'getDrymixData': start,
'endDate': finish,
"<'row'<'col-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3'l><'col-md-4 col-lg-6 d-none d-md-block text-center'B><'col-6 col-md-4 col-lg-3'f>>" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" +
buttons: ['csv', 'print'],
columns: [
{ "data": "sdate" },
{ "data": "stime" },
{ "data": "etime" },
{ "data": "cycletime" },
{ "data": "shift" },
{ "data": "item" },
{ "data": "erp" }
fixedHeader: {
headerOffset: 65
order: [[ 0, "desc" ], [ 1, "desc" ]],
createdRow: function( row, data, dataIndex){
if( data['erp_color'] == 1){
} else {
} );
if ($(window).width() >= 992) {
if (startedLarge){
startedLarge = true;
var largeTable = document.getElementById("medTableWidthPressID");
largeMC = new Hammer(largeTable, { inputClass: Hammer.TouchInput });
largeMC.on("swiperight", function() {
largePressTable.page( 'previous' ).draw( 'page' );
largeMC.on("swipeleft", function() {
largePressTable.page( 'next' ).draw( 'page' );
Also here is my back end as well:
function create_drymix_table_data($dbquery){
global $db;
$data = [];
$k = 0;
// sequence_no,sample_datetime,start_end,item,shift,erp_update,wip_entity_name
while ($a_row = $dbquery->fetch_assoc()) {
$i = 0;
$start = $a_row['sequence_no'] - 1;
$end = $a_row['sequence_no'];
$cycle_endtime = "Not Complete!";
$num_rows = $dbquery->num_rows;
if ($i == 0 && $a_row['start_end'] == 1){
$number = $a_row['sequence_no'] + 1;
$this_query_string = "SELECT sample_datetime
FROM dry_mix
WHERE sequence_no = $number
AND note IS NULL";
$quick_dbquery = basicQuery($this_query_string, $db);
$count = $quick_dbquery->num_rows;
if ($count > 0){
while ($this_row = $quick_dbquery->fetch_assoc()){
$cycle_endtime = $this_row['sample_datetime'];
$cycle_etime = explode(" ", $cycle_endtime);
} else {
$cycle_etime = "-";
if ($a_row['start_end'] == 1){
$cycle_starttime = $a_row['sample_datetime'];
$cycle_stime = explode(" ", $cycle_starttime);
if ($a_row['erp_update'] == 'Y') {
$erp_color = 1;
} else {
$erp_color = 0;
$cycletime = timeduration($cycle_starttime, $cycle_endtime);
} else {
$cycletime = "";
if ($k == $num_rows){
$html_item = "<a class="default-link" onclick="getDetails('" . $start . "', '" . $end . "')">" . $a_row['item'] . "</a>";
$data[] = array("sdate" => $cycle_stime[0],
"stime" => $cycle_stime[1],
"etime" => $cycle_etime[1],
"cycletime" => $cycletime,
"shift" => $a_row['shift'],
"item" => $html_item,
"erp" => $a_row['wip_entity_name'],
"erp_color" => $erp_color);
} elseif ($a_row['start_end'] == 0 && $k > 0){
$html_item = "<a class="default-link" onclick="getDetails('" . $start . "', '" . $end . "')">" . $a_row['item'] . "</a>";
$data[] = array("sdate" => $cycle_stime[0],
"stime" => $cycle_stime[1],
"etime" => $cycle_etime[1],
"cycletime" => $cycletime,
"shift" => $a_row['shift'],
"item" => $html_item,
"erp" => $a_row['wip_entity_name'],
"erp_color" => $erp_color);
return $data;
I didn’t write this code, so I don’t know exactly how it is set up to fix this. Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this?
You are not using the correct selector. If you want only one column to be colored try using this selector :
Hope it helps
Please could you try by debugging this part of the code? The following code is responsible for printing or adding a class of colors