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Please, somebody help me with the" If line" i’m making an exercise the rests of my code work, but the last line with If statment doesn’t How can do this?


$employees = array (
array("Name" => " Harry ", "Age" => 25 , "Department" => " Management"),
array("Name" => " Jack ",   "Age" =>   31,  "Department" => " Developer"),
array("Name" => " Harry ",  "Age" =>  35,  "Department" => " Developer")`


foreach ($employees as $element){

    echo " Empolyers name :" ,$element ['Name'] ,'<br/>' ;
    echo " Age :" ,$element['Age'] ,'<br/>' ;
    echo " Function :" ,$element ["Department"];
    echo "<br>";
$element =0;  

 while ($element <count($employees)){
    echo $employees [$element ]["Name"];
     echo "<br>";
 $element++ ;
 echo "<br>";

 if ([$element ]["Name"] == "Jack" ) {
    echo "He is the senior Developer", $element["Name"] ;

} }

I tried to set condition based on the array name, or only $key but i can’t get the function to react`



  1. if ([$element ]["Name"] == "Jack" )

    there is no array just 2 indexes

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  2. First of all, you need to have to add $employees in the if statement.

    if ($employees[$element ]["Name"] == "Jack" ) {
        echo "He is the senior Developer", $element["Name"] ;

    You change the value of $element, so you get the value of the next array values.

    Second, you can use array_filter.

    $filter = 'Jack';
    $newArray = array_filter($employees, function($e) use ($filter){
                                                    //    ^ import criteria
        return $e['Name'] === $filter;
    echo "He is the senior Developer" . $newArray["Name"] ;
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