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I’m using (as use ImagineImagickImagine) to handle my images. I’m applying a transparent (alpha-channel) PNG image as watermark, following the docs here :

$watermark = $imagine->open('/my/watermark.png');
$image     = $imagine->open('/path/to/image.jpg');
$size      = $image->getSize();
$wSize     = $watermark->getSize();

$bottomRight = new ImagineImagePoint($size->getWidth() - $wSize->getWidth(), $size->getHeight() - $wSize->getHeight());

$image->paste($watermark, $bottomRight);

It works, but I’d like to reduce the opacity of the watermark, so it’s less in-your-face.

I tried to search the docs via , but it doesn’t seem to work.



  1. Looking at the code, it appears that the paste() method has an alpha argument built right into it:

    public function paste(ImageInterface $image, PointInterface $start, $alpha = 100)

    Since the argument is optional, and you’re not overriding in your example, you’re getting the default value of 100. To override, just explicitly provide a value less than 100 for the third parameter:

    $image->paste($watermark, $bottomRight, 25);

    Note if you use a modern IDE, you’ll get autocompletion on method arguments, and this sort of feature will become trivially easy to discover:

    enter image description here

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  2. Assuming you are using the PHP library Imagine for image manipulation, you can apply transparency to a watermark by adjusting the alpha channel of the image. Here’s an example using Imagine library with GD:

    require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Include the autoloader for Imagine library
    use ImagineImageBox;
    use ImagineImagePoint;
    use ImagineGdImagine;
    // Create an Imagine object
    $imagine = new Imagine();
    // Open the original image
    $image = $imagine->open('path/to/your/image.jpg');
    // Open the watermark image
    $watermark = $imagine->open('path/to/your/watermark.png');
    // Set the opacity level (0 fully transparent, 100 fully opaque)
    $opacity = 50; // Change this value as needed
    // Apply transparency to the watermark
    $watermark = $watermark->applyMask($watermark->mask(), $opacity);
    // Calculate the position to place the watermark (e.g., bottom right corner)
    $position = new Point(
        $image->getSize()->getWidth() - $watermark->getSize()->getWidth(),
        $image->getSize()->getHeight() - $watermark->getSize()->getHeight()
    // Paste the watermark onto the original image
    $image->paste($watermark, $position);
    // Save the result

    In this example, the apply mask method is used to adjust the opacity of the watermark. The $opacity variable determines the level of transparency, where 0 is fully transparent, and 100 is fully opaque. You can modify the $opacity value to achieve the desired level of transparency for your watermark.

    Make sure to replace ‘path/to/your/image.jpg’ and ‘path/to/your/watermark.png’ with the actual paths to your original image and watermark image. Additionally, adjust the positioning and save paths as needed for your specific use case.

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