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        class Vehicle{
            protected $brand;

            function __construct($brand){
            function setBrand($brand){

            function getBrand(){
                return $this->brand;

            function honk(){
                echo "Beep Beep Beep...";

        class Car extends Vehicle{
            private $modelName;

            function setModelName($modelName){

            function getModelName(){
                return $this->modelName;

        $carObject = new Car("Lamborghini");
        echo "</br>Car brand is ".$carObject->getBrand()."<br>";
        echo "Car model is ".$carObject->getModelName()."<br>";

        echo($carObject->getBrand()." ".$carObject->getModelName()." is ".$carObject->honk());


I added this function to subclass. but i do not understand that function too.

function honk(){

The output that i want is: Lamborghini Aventador is Beep Beep Beep…
but i am getting Beep Beep Beep…Lamborghini Aventador is



  1. function honk(){
      echo "Beep Beep Beep...";

    Your honk echo runs first and then the last echo runs. Perhaps you need to return the message instead of echo?

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  2. In this line:

    echo($carObject->getBrand()." ".$carObject->getModelName()." is ".$carObject->honk());

    The method calls are evaluated one after:

    1. $carObject->getBrand() is called, returning the string Lamborghini.
    2. $carObject->getModelName() is called, returning the string Aventador.
    3. $carObject->honk() is called, echoing the string Beep Beep Beep... to the output. It does not return anything.
    4. All the strings in previous steps are inserted and echoed to the output:
      echo('Lamborghini'." ".'Aventador'." is ".'');

      Thus leading to Beep Beep Beep...Lamborghini Aventador is.

    You may have meant to return in honk():

    function honk(){
      return "Beep Beep Beep...";
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