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I’m using the following Signature Pad package:

I am sending the <svg> element as a string to the backend. But even if it’s empty, I still get an svg string.

Is there a way to check if the signature is empty or not using another way?



  1. As indicated in the usage section, you can test whether the signature is empty like this:

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  2. In most backend programming languages, checking if a signature is empty typically involves verifying if a string or a collection of signatures is null or contains no elements. Here’s how you might approach it in a few common languages:

    1. JavaScript (Node.js)
      In JavaScript (Node.js), you can check if a string is empty or null using simple conditional checks:

      let signature = ""; // or null or undefined

      if (!signature) {
      console.log("Signature is empty or undefined");
      } else {
      console.log("Signature is not empty");

    2. Python
      In Python, you can check if a string is empty or None:

      signature = "" # or None

      if not signature:
      print("Signature is empty or None")
      print("Signature is not empty")

    3. Java
      In Java, you can use isEmpty() method to check if a string is empty:

      String signature = ""; // or null

      if (signature == null || signature.isEmpty()) {
      System.out.println("Signature is empty or null");
      } else {
      System.out.println("Signature is not empty");

    4. PHP
      In PHP, you can use empty() or strlen() functions to check if a string is empty:

      $signature = ""; // or null

      if (empty($signature)) {
      echo "Signature is empty or null";
      } else {
      echo "Signature is not empty";

    General Considerations:
    Null vs Empty: Be mindful of the distinction between a null value (typically means absence of value) and an empty string (a string with zero characters).
    Collections: If dealing with collections (arrays, lists, etc.), check the size or length to determine if it’s empty.

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