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I have an issue with my Laravel application,
when saving images in my app, it works locally and keeps them in the correct directory, however, when I host the application to my server and try to test the application online, it now holds the images in the storage/app/ instead of the standard storage/app/public/ directory.

My storage link is in place and my function to save the image is also in place.
here is my filesystem setup

'public' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
        'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
        'visibility' => 'public',
        'throw' => false,

For example, let’s look at the save user process (using livewire).

$data["image"] = str_replace('public/', '', $this->image->store('users'));
        $data["password"] = Hash::make("password");
        $data['status'] = $data['status'] == 1 ? User::STATUS_ACTIVE : User::STATUS_INACTIVE;

        $this->emit("success", "User-created successfully!");

So the URL that is being generated afterwards looks like this

and to display this image,

<img src="{{ asset('storage/'.$user->image) }}" height="60px" width="60px" 

When hosted online,the image doesnt display, and the link looks like this

What could be the issue ?

Right now i don’t know why the image isnt displaying,



  1. Go to /root_project folder and run command :
    php artisan storage:link

    Hope it helps you.

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  2. Perhaps on the hosting you need to create a link to access the files:

    php artisan storage:link

    See more about this here

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