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This is a problem related to adding a counter when renaming a value with the same name.

I have a form with a textarea where you can write text inside. Inside the textarea, the writer can write the word foto which must follow a particular path when sending the form. I specify that the written text will end up in a txt file.

I created a code that replaces the word *foto* with "<img src="img/foto$y.jpg"> assuming that each word *foto* is replaced in "<img src="img/foto1. jpg">, "<img src="img/foto2.jpg"> in the txt file after submitting the form…

Instead I find that the file is generated with n.2 "<img src="img/foto1.jpg"> without increasing the counter (1-2-3 etc… based on the number of photos).

In the code $vfoto is the number of photos the user has decided to upload. $v5 is the article.


<textarea name="post_content" id="article"</textarea>

Text write Textarea box:



$v5 = $_POST["post_content"];

if ($vfoto > 0){
    $y = 1;
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $vfoto; $x++) {
     $v5 = str_ireplace("<p>*foto*</p>","<img src="img/foto$y.jpg" 
    $myfile = fopen("provafile.txt","w") or die("Unable to open file!");
    fwrite($myfile, html_entity_decode($v5));

The result I would expect is:

<img src="img/foto1.jpg" class="img_article_box">
<img src="img/foto2.jpg" class="img_article_box">



  1. simple do this, use regex and the prebuild php function to handle replacements,

    //Your input
    $text = $_POST["post_content"];
    // Regex Pattern
    $pattern = '/*foto*/';
    // Index counter
    $replacementIndex = 1;
    // Replaced Text
    $replacedText = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) use (&$replacementIndex) {
        $replacement = "<img src="img/foto" . $replacementIndex . ".jpg" class="img_article_box">";
        return $replacement;
    }, $text);
    // Result after replacements
    echo $replacedText;




    <p><img src="img/foto1.jpg" class="img_article_box"></p>
    <p><img src="img/foto2.jpg" class="img_article_box"></p>
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  2. You can use the preg_replace function with the limit argument (fourth parameter) to replace just one instance of the text. This would allow you to replace the next instance in the text.

    if( isset($_POST['post_content']) ){
        $v5 = $_POST['post_content'];
        preg_match_all("@*foto*@s", $v5, $foto_matches);
        if( $foto_matches[0] ){
            foreach($foto_matches[0] as $k=>$foto_match){
                $find = preg_quote($foto_match);
                $replacement = '<img src="img/foto'.($k+1).'.jpg" class="img_article_box">';
                $v5 = preg_replace("@".$find."@", $replacement, $v5, 1);
        $myfile = fopen("provafile.txt","w") or die("Unable to open file!");
        fwrite($myfile, html_entity_decode($v5));
    <form method="post">
    <textarea name="post_content" id="article"></textarea>
    <input type="submit">
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