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I am setting up a MediaWiki instance that will in particular contain mathematical material. I want to write a template for theorems, with the two following properties:

  1. The theorems are automatically numbered. This numbering should be dynamic: if an edition inserts a theorem between Theorems 1 and 2, the latter should become Theorem 3.
  2. The theorems can be referred to: I want a piece of code that produces "Theorem 2", given an identifier of the second theorem of the page. (Which means that the template for theorems should be given this identifier as a parameter.)

Basically, I want an equivalent of LaTeX’s theorem environment and of its ref command. I’m asking for a template, but mere templates may not be powerful enough, in which case any alternative is appreciated.

Do you have any hints of what is the best way to achieve this?



  1. If you want to number entities in a wikipage (other than automatic numbering of headings for users, or <ol> tag generated by # wiki markup and converted to numbered list by client browser), you ought to provide that number as a parametre of your template for theorem definiton — just as of the template that generates a wikilink to it.

    You cannot get stable automatic numbering of entities on a wikipage, because the order, in which different parts of a wikipage are parsed, is not guaranteed anymore.

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  2. This is achievable, you have to do it by combining MediaWiki templates and the ‘#invoke’ function, allowing you to use Lua scripts to generate the dynamic content.

    Here are the steps.

    1. create a Lua module

    create a page in your Mediawiki instance, e.g ‘Module:TheoremCounter’, with the following Lua code:

    local theoremCounter = {}
    function theoremCounter.increment()
        local count = tonumber(mw.loadData('TheoremCounter', 'count'))
        if count == nil then
             count = 0
        count = count + 1
        mw.saveData('TheoremCounter', 'count', tostring(count))
        return count
    function theoremCounter.getLabel(id)
        local count = tonumber(mw.loadData('TheoremCounter', 'count))
        local label = 'Theorem ' .. tostring(count)
        if id ~= nil then
            label = label .. ' (' .. id .. ')'
        return label
    return theoremCounter

    the code uses the ‘mw.loadData’ and ‘mw.saveData’ functions to store and retrieve a counter value. The ‘increment’ function increments the counter and returns the new one.

    2. create a template for theorems

    create a template like his ‘Template:Theorem’, with the below code

    <div class="theorem">
       <span class=theorem-label">{{#invoke:TheoremCounter|getLabel|{{{id}}}</span>

    The template uses the ‘#invoke’ function to call the ‘increment’ and ‘getLabel’ function from the Lua module.

    3. Template referencing theorems

    create template for reference ‘Template:RefTheorem’


    To use the templates, it’s very simple, just create a new page and add the following code.

    {{Theorem|id=MyTheorem|content=This is my theorem.}}

    and dynamic label to follow the code


    The above example I created only for the simple incrementing counter, which may not be suitable for all cases. But it’s a good start.

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