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I have the following code with a userpassword contains a blow fish secret and the user password itself.

The hash is another (not the secret and the password!!) but i still got a true as result:

## password (secret + userpass)
$pass = 'PNvH5GFfUKktXWpydfAMXMYKayjEP3GzfJbaenmzuAHSTv7rQgW8t4ShEKpdcD5nek8eArGQyfz9XRx6ARBc897YVdetest';

## hash
$hash = '$2y$10$9VGEg7HamRVDILsFV5dvJu3l5.Psfk4g6N8.Jcn6/gMhoZIKDLAAm';

## verify
$check = password_verify($pass, $hash);

## check
if(true === $check) {
} else {
    echo "false";

I have read a lot and think it can be a problem of the length! The algo is limited to 72 chars. For more security, we have a login with a blow fish secret. While hashing, we chain blow fish + userpassword to one big password, then hash it. While login we chain blow fish and userpass again and verify. The result of this is a big password which is hashed in db.



  1. Please use password_hash() for generating the hash for the password then use this hash in password_verify() function.

     $pass = "secret_password";
     $hash = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); //please use this for generating the hash
    ## verify
    $check = password_verify($pass, $hash);
     ## check
    if(true === $check) {
     } else {
        echo "false";
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  2. Did you use password_hash with the PASSWORD_BCRYPT option (or with PASSWORD_DEFAULT, since Bcrypt is current the default algorithm)? As per the PHP documentation for password_hash that will indeed truncate the password to 72 characters.

    Example of the issue:

    $pass = 'PNvH5GFfUKktXWpydfAMXMYKayjEP3GzfJbaenmzuAHSTv7rQgW8t4ShEKpdcD5nek8eArGQyfz9XRx6ARBc897YVdetest';
    $pass2 = 'PNvH5GFfUKktXWpydfAMXMYKayjEP3GzfJbaenmzuAHSTv7rQgW8t4ShEKpdcD5nek8eArGQ';
    $hash = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
    echo $hash.PHP_EOL;
    var_dump(password_verify($pass2, $hash));

    Live demo: .

    If you want very long passwords, I suggest using a different algorithm which doesn’t have this issue. Either that, or don’t use the extra blowfish salt (which shouldn’t be necessary), or at least reduce its length.

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