Im trying to make a php message script i can output the message’s but im having a issue with grouping them
But im outputting the message’s and if the same person sends 2 message’s it shows has separate
I can ether just output all the from usernames on the left side then when the user clicks a chat head the messege will do a simple search where that username but again it will show muti chat heads for the same users
$stmt2m2 = $db->prepare('SELECT *
FROM messages
WHERE recipient_username = ?
LIMIT 4 ');
$stmt2m2->execute( array($_SESSION['username'] ) ) ;
$row2m2 = $stmt2m2->fetchAll();
foreach($row2m2 as $users2) {
<a href="#" class="media">
<div class="item-img">
<img src="media/figure/notifiy_1.png" alt="Notify">
<div class="media-body">
<h6 class="item-title"><?php echo $users2['sender_username'] ; ?></h6>
<div class="item-time"><?php echo $users2['date'] ; ?></div>
<p><?php echo $users2['message'] ; ?></p>
First you have to group the data user wise (Best approach is to use userid instead of username to group the data) using a foreach loop like this :
$row2m2 = array();
Then you have to print it as following :