I have been trying to get a query output formatted in a specific way but I am surely doing something wrong. Could anyone that knows what I am doing wrong give me a hand? Thanks a lot.
I have the following db call:
$sql = "SELECT tbl1.spec_num As spec_num,
IF(tbl1.spec_fld, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') As spec_fld,
tbl2.auth_id As auth_id
FROM spec_table tbl1
JOIN spec_auth tbl2 ON tbl1.id=tbl2.spec_table_id
WHERE tbl1.spec_fld=1
AND tbl2.enb=1;";
If I run this query in the db (mysql) I get this:
spec_num spec_fld auth_id
123413253242135234213432112345DDDDDDDG TRUE 1234567
123413253242135234213432112345DDDDDDDG TRUE 3423435
123413253242135234213432112345DDDDDDDG TRUE 9234245
When I make a call to the DB in PHP using PDO I do the following:
$stmt = $connection->prepare($sql);
while ($result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$result_json = json_encode($result);
echo $result_json;
My echo inside the loop shows this:
But what I need now is to create a variable ($dtp) outside the while loop that looks like this:
$dtp = [
'spec_num' => '123413253242135234213432112345DDDDDDDG',
'spec_fld' => TRUE,
'auth_ids' => [
Any ideas on the best way to do this? Thanks again in advance.
Dont convert things to JSON until you have completed building the array or object
You could simplify that to
First sort the resultset in spec_num order
Then the code changes. Build the dtp array bit by bit, I made this able to cope with more than one spec_num being selected
Just use
and you get an array like
You want to create such an array:
It only makes sense to create this structure it if the SQL query ensures that spec_num and spec_fld are identical in all lines.
The solution for this special case is very simple:
If spec_num and spec_fld are not identical in all lines, you must first group by spec_num and then by spec_fld. The solution is then a 4 dimensional array.