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I need functionality to "dehydrate" some user input, replacing it with placeholders, with the ultimate goal to "rehydrate" it elsewhere. For example:

Visit [my page](

Needs to have $search='' replaced with a placeholder, like so:

Visit the page [my page](%WEBSITE_URL%/posts/)

This will be saved off in a file or something, and transferred to a different website. Then, at other end, it can be "rehydrated" with an arbitrary WEBSITE_URL. if $replace='', then I need this to be turned into

Visit the page [my page](

The naive solution is to do something like this:

$search = '';
$dehydrated = str_replace($search, '%WEBSITE_URL%', $text);

// then just do it backwards:
$replace = '';
$rehydrated = str_replace('%WEBSITE_URL%', $replace, $dehydrated);

The problem is $text is user input, which can contain anything, including the literal string %WEBSITE_URL%. For example, if:

$text = 'Visit [my page]( Placeholders are %WEBSITE_URL%';

// Would be turned into

$rehydrated = 'Visit [my page]( Placeholders are';

// instead of the correct:

$rehydrated = 'Visit [my page]( Placeholders are %WEBSITE_URL%';

An improvement would be something like this:

// replace existing % with %% as well to help guard against this:
$search = '';
$dehydrated = str_replace(['%', $search], ['%%', '%WEBSITE_URL%'], $text);

// then we use preg_replace with a negative lookahead, eg:
$replace = '';
$rehydrated = preg_replace('/%WEBSITE_URL%(?!%)/', $replace, $dehydrated);
$rehydrated = str_replace('%%', '%', $rehydrated);

This is better and should work for 99.99% of cases, but it can be "defeated" if we had something like:

$text = 'Visit [my page](, %';

How can I make sure this will always work, regardless of what the input might be?



  1. One solution could be to temporarily replace the tags that are present before dehydration with a custom unique tag:

    $text = 'Visit [my page](, Placeholders are %WEBSITE_URL% %';
    // Replace hardcoded tag with a temporary one
    $tag = '%WEBSITE_URL%';
    $tempTag = '%SOME_INTERNAL_KEY_' . time() . '%';
    $escaped = str_replace($tag, $tempTag, $text);
    // Visit [my page](, Placeholders are %SOME_INTERNAL_KEY_1686299415% %
    // Dehydration
    $search = '';
    $dehydrated = str_replace($search, $tag, $escaped);
    // Visit [my page](%WEBSITE_URL%/posts/), Placeholders are %SOME_INTERNAL_KEY_1686299285% %%WEBSITE_URL%%
    // Rehydration
    $replace = '';
    $rehydrated = str_replace($tag, $replace, $dehydrated);
    // Visit [my page](, Placeholders are %SOME_INTERNAL_KEY_1686299285% %
    // Remove temporary tag
    $clean = str_replace($tempTag, $tag, $rehydrated);
    // Visit [my page](, Placeholders are %WEBSITE_URL% %

    The only collision possible would happen if someone put %SOME_INTERNAL_KEY_00000% with a timestamp corresponding to the dehydration time (very unlikely ?).

    If the dehydration and rehydration processes are done on different PHP processes (different apps/servers ?), you should only need to transfer the temporary tag(s) with the dehydrated text.

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  2. This does not answer the question but, does it not provide a solution for your scenario by simply making the links relative?

    $text = "Visit the page [my page](";
    $search = '';
    $dehydrated = str_replace($search, '', $text);
    // 'Visit the page [my page](/posts/)'

    When you hover over the markdown link:
    Visit the page my page
    You see that it links to "" (even matches the current protocol)

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