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I would like to replace a space after a number with hard-space " " only in p tags.

I wrote this code:

   $pattern = "/<p>[0-9] </p>/";
   return preg_replace($pattern, "$1&nbsp;", $text);

But it does nothing, why? Can you please help?


Input : "My 90 days work."
Output: "My 90&nbsp;days work."

Thank you a lot.



  1. Try this:

    $text = '<p>My 90 days 123 work.</p>';
    $pattern = "/<p>(.*?)</p>/";
    $text = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) {
        $content = $matches[1];
        $content = preg_replace('/(d+)s/', '$1&nbsp;', $content);
        return "<p>{$content}</p>";
    }, $text);
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  2. Matching html with a regex is not advisable, but if there can be no angle brackets in between, you might get away with a single pattern using the G anchor:



    • (?: Non capture group
      • <p>(?=[^<>]*</p>) Match <p> and assert a closing </p> without angle brackets in between
      • | Or
      • G(?!^) Assert the current position at the end of the previous match, but not at the start of the string
    • ) Close the non capture group
    • [^d<>]* Match optional chars other than < or > or a digit
    • d+ Match 1+ digits
    • K Forget what is matched so far
    • h Match a single horizontal whitespace char

    See a regex demo and a PHP demo.

    $re = '~(?:<p>(?=[^<>]*</p>)|G(?!^))[^d<>]*d+Kh~';
    $str = '<p>My 90 days 123 work.</p>';
    echo preg_replace($re, "&nbsp", $str);


    <p>My 90&nbspdays 123&nbspwork.</p>

    Or using DOMDocument to find the paragraphs, and do the replacement after matching a digit and a horizontal whitespace char:

    $str = '<p>My 90 days 123 work.</p>';
    $domDoc = new DOMDocument;
    foreach ($domDoc->getElementsByTagName('p') as $p) {
        echo preg_replace("/dKh/", "&nbsp", $p->nodeValue);


    My 90&nbspdays 123&nbspwork.
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