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I have a multidimensional array storing discounted price and discount type. Here’s a basic example:

$discountNew[0]['price'] = 10;
$discountNew[0]['type'] = 'happy hour discount';
$discountNew[1]['price'] = 8;
$discountNew[1]['type'] = 'profile discount';
$discountNew[2]['price'] = 16;
$discountNew[2]['type'] = 'category discount';
$discountNew[3]['price'] = 6;
$discountNew[3]['type'] = 'medical discount';

I need a way to return the lowest price – and the associated discount type. In the above example that would be ‘6’ and ‘medical discount’.

I can find the lowest price by using min and array_column functions, like so:

$lowestPrice = min(array_column($discountNew, 'price'));

However, how can I return the discount type? I figured if I can find the key value of the original array (in the example above that would be 3), I can use that to look up the discount type. However, I can’t find a way to return the original key, as array_column produces a new array.

As such, the question would be: How can I return the discounted price, plus either the discount type or the original array key?

Please help!

Thank you.



  1. If the prices are unique, then get the key for the lowest price and use it:

    $lowestPriceType = $discountNew[array_search(min($price = array_column($discountNew, 'price')), $price)]['type'];

    Broken down:

    $prices = array_column($discountNew, 'price')
    $lowestPrice = min($prices);
    $key = array_search($lowestPrice, $prices);
    $lowestPriceType = $discountNew[$key]['type'];
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  2. This will find it for you

    $discountNew[0]['price'] = 10;
    $discountNew[0]['type'] = 'happy hour discount';
    $discountNew[3]['price'] = 6;
    $discountNew[3]['type'] = 'medical discount';
    $discountNew[1]['price'] = 8;
    $discountNew[1]['type'] = 'profile discount';
    $discountNew[2]['price'] = 16;
    $discountNew[2]['type'] = 'category discount';
    $lowestPrice = min(array_column($discountNew, 'price'));
    foreach ( $discountNew as $dis ){
        if ( $dis['price'] == $lowestPrice ) {
            $type = $dis['type'];
    echo $type;
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  3. $discountNew = [
      [ 'price' => 10, 'type' => 'happy hour discount' ],
      [ 'price' => 8, 'type' => 'profile discount' ],
      [ 'price' => 16, 'type' => 'category discount' ],
      [ 'price' => 6, 'type' => 'medical discount' ],
    $result = array_reduce(
      fn($carry, $item) => $item['price'] < $carry['price'] ? $item : $carry,
      [ 'price' => max(array_column($discountNew, 'price')) + 1, 'type' => '' ]
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  4. You can solve this by problem solving technique as well

    $min = PHP_INT_MAX;
    $min_key = 0;
    foreach ($discountNew as $key => $discount) {
       if ($discount['price'] <= $min) {
            $min = $discount['price'];
            $min_key = $key;
    $min_discount_type = $discountNew[$min_key]['type'];
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