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Is there a shorthand for the following:

$a ??= []; # Note: $a ??= [] is equivalent to $a = isset($a) ? $a : []
$b ??= [];
$z ??= [];

One possible solution is:

foreach (array("a", "b", ..., "z") as $elem) {
  $$elem ??= [];

What I do not like about the approach above is that I am passing a list of strings to the foreach function rather than a list of variables – that would be inconvenient if the names of the variables were to change. Is there another more convenient solution?



  1. in php, you can achieve this using variable variables. here’s a more concise and dynamic solution:

    foreach (range('a', 'z') as $letter) {
        ${$letter} ??= [];

    this code dynamically creates variables $a through $z and initializes them to an empty array if they are not already set. this way, you don’t need to pass a list of variable names explicitly. Instead, it dynamically generates them based on the range of letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’.

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  2. You can use by reference variable-length argument lists: (PHP >= 7.4)

    function defineVariables($default, &...$vars)
        foreach($vars as &$v)
            $v ??= $default;
    defineVariables([], $a, $b, $c);
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