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I need help to solve something that i cannot do 🙁

I am creating a simples website with HTML5/CSS/PHP (static pages, without DB/Mysql), and it is almost complete. I just need to shows 3 posts as suggested articles at the end of page (footer).

Here is the Post page where the users will see all posts. This is the articles.php

After clicking, user will be redirected to page read-article.php in order to read the post. Here is the read-article.php page

The articles.php page is already done! I just want to load its content inside read-article.php page, but SHOWING ONLY 3 posts.

This is an example about post’s code of articles.php:

<section class="pg-articles">
        <li class="title-1-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide1.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-1-of-this-article">Title 1 of this post</a></h2>
       <li class="title-2-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide2.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-2-of-this-article">Title 2 of this post</a></h2>
<li class="title-3-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide3.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-3-of-this-article">Title 3 of this post</a></h2>
<li class="title-4-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide4.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-4-of-this-article">Title 4 of this post</a></h2>

So on…

I was planning on loading this piece of code by using

** include "articles.php"** at footer inside read-article.php. BUT I DONT WANT TO LOAD all the posts, JUST 3 POSTS. I.E:

      <li class="title-2-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide2.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-2-of-this-article">Title 2 of this post</a></h2>
<li class="title-3-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide3.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-3-of-this-article">Title 3 of this post</a></h2>
<li class="title-4-of-this-article">
            <div class="head-articles">
                <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide4.jpg">
                <h2><a href="article/title-4-of-this-article">Title 4 of this post</a></h2>

By knowing these are static pages, i would write manually, but it is anoying to do that every time i publish a post. So, in this way, i WANT only to insert new post in articles.php, and through PHP, automatically getting the 3 latets posts.

Can anyone help me? 🙂



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    No DB, because that was difficult to find a solution. I needed to hide the same article (active url) on the related boxes. I found myself a workaround:

    1- I created a page to get the same title of article in order that is: the-name-of-page.php which is loaded with:

    function URL($key = null)
        $arr = explode("/", trim($_GET['url'] ?? 'index', "/"));
        if (!is_numeric($key))
            return $arr;
        return $arr[$key] ?? '';
    $file = URL(0) . '.php';
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require $file;
    } else {
        $baseurl = rtrim(root_url(), "/");

    At the footer of the article.php i wrote:

      <li class="THE-NAME-OF-PAGE">
                    <div class="head-articles">
                        <img src="<?= root_url() ?>/media/img/slider/slide1.jpg" alt="Núcleo de Psicologia do Ano"
                            title="Núcleo de Psicologia do Ano">
                        <div class="head-padding">
                            <h2 title="Núcleo de Psicologia do Ano"><a

    And i used:

    <?php if (isset($page)) {
            .headline-pg-article ul [class*="<?= $page ?>"] {
                display: none;
    <?php } ?>

    It worked awhile. But i have to put the latest 4 articles {li} manually. The script above will hide the 3 active article and will show only 3. So that everytime i wrote new article, a just copy & paste the newest article block to this page.

  2. not database?
    where do you get that post from?

    If is no db
    Wouldn’t it be a good idea to just handle it with css?

    .pg-articles ul li:nth-last-child(-n+3){ display: none;}
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