Problem is that i get a whole bunch of users, that does not match the search string no matter what i search. And it seems like there is baseline of users that is allways passed. I cant figure out what exactly it is finding, but the lenght of the return of users vary depending on what i search.
I need to return all the rows
WHERE orders.restaurant_fk = :restaurant_id (must allwayss be true) OR users2.user_name LIKE :search
OR users2.user_last_name LIKE :search OR users2.user_address LIKE :search
By that i mean: if i search for a string value i want to get an order that has a single match in the search query or multiple.
The important is that i cannot get same order twice.
Forexample if the same user has a email called "[email protected]" and a user_name called "jens". it should only be returned once
Another important thing is that the orders must contain the specific restaurant_id.
require_once __DIR__ . '/../_.php';
try {
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
$data = json_decode($json);
$db = _db();
$restaurant_id = $data->restaurant_id;
$search = $data->search;
$q = $db->prepare(
'SELECT DISTINCT restaurants.restaurant_id, orders.*, users2.user_name, users2.user_last_name, users2.user_address, users2.user_city, users2.user_zip
FROM orders
JOIN users2 ON orders.user_fk = users2.user_id
JOIN restaurants ON orders.restaurant_fk = restaurants.restaurant_id
WHERE orders.restaurant_fk = :restaurant_id
OR users2.user_name LIKE :search
OR users2.user_last_name LIKE :search
OR users2.user_address LIKE :search
ORDER BY orders.created_at DESC'
$q->bindValue(':restaurant_id', $restaurant_id);
$q->bindValue(':search', "%{$search}%");
$orders = $q->fetchAll();
echo json_encode(['orders' => $orders]);
} catch (Exception $e) {
try {
if (!$e->getCode() || !$e->getMessage()) {
throw new Exception();
echo json_encode(['info' => $e->getMessage()]);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo json_encode($ex);
I am using case insensitive MYSQL database.
Orders Table
Here’s what I changed:
(SELECT * FROM orders WHERE restaurant_fk = :restaurant_id) o
filters the orders by restaurant_id before joining with users2.GROUP BY o.order_id
ensures that each order is listed only once, even if there are multiple matches in the user’s details.Sounds like you need some
conditionsYou can alternatively move some conditions to the joins