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The goal is to "break line" after each split.

I have two arrays:

$split = [4, 2, 4];
$courses = ['HTML', 'JS', 'CSS', 'VueJS', 'ReactJs', 'PHP', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#'];

As you can see I have the first array called split, and the second array called courses, I want to add <br> after each split

I want to loop over $courses and after the 4 items I print <br>. Also after 2 items I print another <br>

Note: I can have more values in my $split array, that’s why I don’t want to use

foreach($courses as $key => $value){
   echo $value;
   if ($key == 4 OR $key == 2){
      echo '<br>';

My code is not working fine because I can’t use a lot of OR with if statements, because I can have a lot of split in my $split array

Is there any clean and best way to loop over $courses and print <br> after 4 loop and after 2 and after 4 and so on, it depends on how many split I have in my $split



  1. This will get the job done, bear in mind that arrays start at 0, not 1. so it would break on the 3rd and 5th item not 2nd and 4th.

    More on in_array()

    $split = [4, 2, 4];
    $courses = ['HTML', 'JS', 'CSS', 'VueJS', 'ReactJs', 'PHP', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#'];
    foreach($courses as $key => $value){
        echo $value;
        if (in_array($key, $split)) {
            echo '<br>';
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  2. You need to track next items order after found it.

    $split = [4, 2, 3];
    $courses = ['HTML', 'JS', 'CSS', 'VueJS', 'ReactJs', 'PHP', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#'];
    $split_position = $reIndexValue = 0;
    $elements = [];
    foreach($courses as $index => $name) {
        if(is_int($split_position) && $reIndexValue == $split[$split_position]) {
            $name = $name.'<br>';
            $split_position = isset($split[$split_position + 1])? ++ $split_position : false;
            $reIndexValue = 0;
        $elements[] = $name;
    echo implode (' ',$elements);
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  3. The following code will first echo a line break after 4 iterations, then it will echo a line break after 2 more iterations, and then it will echo another line break after 4 more iterations. (The code will continue for any specified sequence in the $split array)

    $split = [4, 2, 4];
    $courses = ['HTML', 'JS', 'CSS', 'VueJS', 'ReactJs', 'PHP', 'Ruby', 'Python', 'Java', 'C#', 'Pascal', "Fortran"];
    $count = 0; //Counting the times we looped using a seperate variable
    foreach($courses as $key => $value){
        echo $value." ";
        $count += 1; //Increase count
        if ($split[0]==$count) { //If the $count is similar to the first variable in $split array,
            echo '<br>';
            $count=0; //Reset $count back to 0
            array_shift($split); //Remove the already performed first variable from array
        //without the following block, code will give you an "Undefined offset" notice 
        if (count($split)==0){
            array_push($split, -1);//Add a dummy variable (-1) that will never be tested. 

    I added 2 other variables "Pascal" and "Fortran" into the $courses array to test the behavior

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