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I would like to print only specific part from an Url like for example if i got on response an URL like this :

I want to print only this part exactly :


I have tried to use substr like this :


$substring = substr($string, strpos($string, '=') + 1);
// Use substr() again to get the part of the string before the semicolon
$final_string = substr($substring, 0, strpos($substring, ';'));
   file_put_contents("xxx", $final_string);
   $xtoken = file_get_contents("xxx");

but it’s doesn’t print nothing to my file xxx

but if I apply it like this only :


   file_put_contents("xxx", $string);
   $xtoken = file_get_contents("xxx");

it print full line as I mentioned above .

Hope I find the right guide to be able to select & print only that specific part I want .

thank you .



  1. Perhaps a combination of parse_url and then parse_str could help without needing substr?

    As an example:

    $url = '';
    $parsed = parse_url($url);
    $output = [];
    parse_str($parsed['query'], $output);
    echo $output['session'];

    Gives the output:

    array(4) {
      string(5) "https"
      string(16) ""
      string(1) "/"
      string(117) "client=zapi-web-1&session=XRpC8tmn2_VUz6temt_j19BIGymiYyd5ZOLoWtp1H5U&scopes=false&"
    array(4) {
      string(10) "zapi-web-1"
      string(43) "XRpC8tmn2_VUz6temt_j19BIGymiYyd5ZOLoWtp1H5U"
      string(5) "false"
      string(19) ""

    The example is here if you’d like to try a test run.

    EDIT: from the comment about the file:
    (will not be able to write to a file in the online example)

    Then to the file can be file_put_contents("xxx", $output['session']);, or whatever one would prefer to call $output if a different name is desired.

    … based on your original code with:

    $substring = substr($string, strpos($string, '=') + 1);
    // Use substr() again to get the part of the string before the semicolon
    $final_string = substr($substring, 0, strpos($substring, ';'));
       file_put_contents("xxx", $final_string);
       $xtoken = file_get_contents("xxx");

    … could change to:

    $theURL = parse_url($string);
    $output = [];
    parse_str($theURL['query'], $output));
       file_put_contents("xxx", $output['session']);
       $xtoken = file_get_contents("xxx");
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  2. If you are working with the URL, Just use the super global $_GET. In your question you are needing the string that pertains to the session. So to get that string

    $string = $_GET['session']; 

    To access the other parameters you would use:

    $client = $_GET['client'];
    $scope = $_GET['scopes'];
    $redirect = $_GET['redirect'];
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