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I have a 2D array named $props, the structure is as follows,

$props = [
    ['name' => 'Mathmatics', 'time' => '03:01:PM - 04:50:PM'],
    ['name' => 'History', 'time' => '11:30:AM - 01:30:PM'],
    ['name' => 'French', 'time' => '01:31:PM - 03:00:PM'],

I need to sort the array by ‘time’ key, to get the following result:

    ['name' => 'History', 'time' => '11:30:AM - 01:30:PM'],
    ['name' => 'French', 'time' => '01:31:PM - 03:00:PM'],
    ['name' => 'Mathmatics', 'time' => '03:01:PM - 04:50:PM'],

I have found a solution with usort, the solution is as follows:

usort($props, function ($a, $b) {
    return $a["time"] - $b["time"];

However, this is not working maybe because of special format of my time (but I will have to follow this specific time format.) and shows an error and do nothing to the array. The error:

Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in C:xampp…..



  1. given the format of the date (03:01:PM - 04:50:PM etc.) it needs to be made sort able, while keeping the original value.

    from your question it could be seen that only the first part (03:01:PM) is in use for sorting. even if not the case, lets keep it for the example (it can be easily extended).

    given the C locale, transforming the time allows to get a string that can be just sorted (binary string order):

             /   |    
           1     2     3

    given a single $time as input, the transformation can be done with a regular expression search and replace:

        '~^(d+):(d+):(AM|PM) - .*$~',
    # ~> "PM0301"

    Now to actually sort the $props array, sort the array of all transformed $times and $props:

    $times = preg_replace(
        '~^(dd):(dd):(AM|PM) - .*$~',
        array_column($props, 'time')
    array_multisort($times, $props);

    Now $props is sorted according to $times:

                'name' => 'History',
                'time' => '11:30:AM - 01:30:PM',
                'name' => 'French',
                'time' => '01:31:PM - 03:00:PM',
                'name' => 'Mathematics',
                'time' => '03:01:PM - 04:50:PM',

    Example on

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  2. This solution uses usort with a special sorting function. Date objects are created using substr and DateTime::createFromFormat. The spaceship operator is use for comparison.

    $arr = [
      ['name' => 'Mathmatics', 'time' => '03:01:PM - 04:50:PM'],
      ['name' => 'History', 'time' => '11:30:AM - 01:30:PM'],
      ['name' => 'French', 'time' => '01:31:PM - 03:00:PM'],
      $dta = DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i:A',substr($a['time'],0,8));
      $dtb = DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i:A',substr($b['time'],0,8));
      return $dta <=> $dtb;

    Try self:

    This variant sorts by the start of the time interval. If only the end is required you can use

    DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i:A - h:i:A',$a['time']); //same with $b
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  3. For an approach with no regex and fewest iterated function calls, use array_map() with iterated calls of createFromFormat(), and use that generated sorting array as the first parameter of array_multisort() to sort the input array.

    Note that + in the createFromFormat() method demands that all remaining characters are ignored.

    Code: (Demo)

            fn($row) => DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i:A+', $row['time']),
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