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I need to extract php variables from Blade templates. The issue is that I can’t figure out how to exclude variables created within foreach loops.

{{ $ok }}
@foreach($yes as $no)
{{ $no }}
{{ $no->foo }}

So for the above code, I’d like to extract:


but don’t extract $no.

My regex is failing me and I can’t quite tell why.

~[({][s]?($[A-Za-z0-9_]*)[s]?[)}]?~img almost does it, but it also captures the first $no after the foreach loop.

I appreciate the help in advance.



  1. As I already said – regexp is the right tool for the job here. I prefer this approach – it’s simpler and easier to maintain.

    $template = <<<EOT
    {{     $ok }}
    @foreach($yes as $no)
    {{ $no }}
    {{ $no->foo }}
    $lines = explode("n", $template);
    $variables = [];
    $inForeach = false;
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
      if (!$inForeach && preg_match_all('/{{2}s*$([a-zd_]+)s*}{2}/i', $line, $matches)) {
        $variables = array_merge($variables, $matches[1]);
      } elseif (preg_match('/@foreach($([a-zd_]+)s+ass+$([a-zd_]+))/i', $line, $matches)) {
        $inForeach = true;
        $variables[] = $matches[1];
      } elseif (preg_match('/@endforeach/i', $line)) {
        $inForeach = false;
    $variables = array_unique($variables);

    harvests all the variables, but ignores those within @foreach block:

       [0] => ok
       [1] => alsoOK
       [2] => yes
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  2. I would suggest iterating over each line of the template and only extract the variables of each line.
    This way you could easily skip those lines, that appear within a foreach loop.

    Another advantage of this approach would be writing better readable and maintainable code.

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