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I’m trying to create a PHP REST API using Postgres. I’m adapting this tutorial.

For some reason, using file_get_contents("php://input"); in the POST method returns an empty string.

ex :

$data = file_get_contents("php://input");

For instance, in Postman, I’m using the following URL localhost/rest_api_test/listings?name="new"&id=12345, and I get the following result string(0) "" .

If it helps here’s my index.php file :



spl_autoload_register(function ($class){
  require __DIR__ . "/src/$class.php";  


header("Content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8");

$parts = explode("/", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);

if (strpos($parts[2], 'listing') === false){

$id = $parts[3] ?? null;

$gateway = new ListingGateway($database);

$controller = new ListingController($gateway);

$controller-> processRequest($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"], $id);

Note sure what I’m doing wrong here.



  1. From PHP documentation:

    php://input is not available in POST requests with enctype="multipart/form-data" if enable_post_data_reading option is enabled.

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  2. Any parameters you put in the URL will be placed into $_GET by PHP. They’re not part of the request body, they’re part of the URL. php://input reads from the body of the request – as per the documentation.

    So you should be able to read your variables like this:

    $name = $_GET["name"];
    $id = $_GET["id"];

    Or if you still want to read them via php://input, change your PostMan request so it sends the data in the request body instead.

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