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I am experiencing an error while parsing my XML response in PHP

I have a below XML response, when i call from CURL request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
        <eb:MessageHeader xmlns:eb="" eb:version="1.0" soap-env:mustUnderstand="1">
                <eb:PartyId eb:type="URI">Sabre_API</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId eb:type="URI">Agency</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service eb:type="sabreXML">Session</eb:Service>
        <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
            <wsse:BinarySecurityToken valueType="String" EncodingType="wsse:Base64Binary">T1RLAQLASo74A7olKG7QnepeFqs19UHX+0Cds9QiDZoYfu677xC3Vkr9a+OcQhutjPL4atVMAADQRtHIXdehGg/0OVuPdia/0cM233jFDvyJJHgJHC3o8gV2ssS63b4Y0lgCG59SiG4tmEcqAXcYAMlnq+wJ4TfsOIDFwYdP+D0peSEFBM/m3EyOUqc4idJ+vO4S7xENCeQ7UX4YVKjVLJs788omPDbSIRNo85KQ5QxRprldV0jucJpAtbNfs1DrMHFqNIPyg0CpVpgXILkFx0azkcAuvmbHMHLqqO13WJEOhsG0KDBhBhRn8CwoCgD9foXL24W6yGu8Ecm0Fzvb/MuAjuYm9s48yg**</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
        <sws:TokenCreateRS xmlns:sws="" Version="1.0.0">
    </soap-env:Body> </soap-env:Envelope>

To parse the above XML i have initially tried with the simplexml_load_String but it gives an empty response.

Then i tried DOM method by using following code, here considering $response->Data is the above XML.

    $dom = new DOMDocument;
    $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
    $dom->formatOutput = true;      
    $XMLContent = $dom->saveXML();

It gives me following output again:

<!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?-->
<soap-env:envelope xmlns:soap-env="">   <soap-env:header>
    <eb:messageheader xmlns:eb="" eb:version="1.0" soap-env:mustunderstand="1">
        <eb:partyid eb:type="URI">Sabre_API</eb:partyid>
        <eb:partyid eb:type="URI">Agency</eb:partyid>
      <eb:service eb:type="sabreXML">Session</eb:service>
    <wsse:security xmlns:wsse="">
      <wsse:binarysecuritytoken valuetype="String" encodingtype="wsse:Base64Binary">T1RLAQJZqih4+TYQmYCcdj42lcej5nckNWdo6WNb8edNl3xNtxAkqmu2YKjKki1OKQ7B3HK3AADQCGiRWrlzFPM0KB4foAOsSF+I+5eXE32uQ23LLd+hOduY2BCJYqPw7CvwCJ/LfNjy3P+QyvClvu6ysctC3a0GjmixDPDqCIckcXPb+XDFyYhR5G5QzQjch/Eax25koLnNvfN8rlvjNq+ENJmaV17wP43GLo1pzd19d9HGMn1VgjrJiVGWAb1ezyeiFNAd1VuBD2lAmdlo4jvZJzAS/fklZvwNFbKME64YpaFRptoLz0FKmz47y1TVYFtV6TZxbKirP3PDms0aGlItbJ4apPSB2Q**</wsse:binarysecuritytoken>
    </wsse:security>   </soap-env:header>   <soap-env:body>
    <sws:tokencreaters xmlns:sws="" version="1.0.0">
    </sws:success></sws:tokencreaters>   </soap-env:body> </soap-env:envelope>

So i plan to get data from NODE like below


But instead of giving me a node values it start giving me and error.

I just want to get the data in the node wsse:binarysecuritytoken

Did anyone experience some thing like this?

Can you please help me in that??

Tried also following, but got not helpful still

$domDocument = new DOMDocument();
foreach($results as $result)
    foreach($result->childNodes as $node)
        if($node instanceof DOMElement)
            array_push($carriers, $node->textContent);




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Ok finally after spent hours, i got that! I had to modify according to tag names as below, in the most parent i had to used soap-env instead of SOAP.

                $dom = new DOMDocument;
                $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
                $dom->formatOutput = true;      
                $XMLContent = $dom->saveXML();
                $xml = simplexml_load_String($XMLContent, null, null, 'soap-env', true);    
                    trigger_error("Encoding Error!", E_USER_ERROR);
                $Results = $xml->children('soap-env',true);
                foreach($Results->children('soap-env',true) as $fault){
                    if(strcmp($fault->getName(),'Fault') == 0){
                        trigger_error("Error occurred request/response processing!", E_USER_ERROR);
                foreach($Results->children('wsse',true) as $nodes){         
                    if(strcmp($nodes->getName(),'Security') == 0){
                        foreach($nodes->children('wsse',true) as $securityNodes){
                            if(strcmp($securityNodes->getName(),'BinarySecurityToken') == 0){                           
                                $tokenParsed = (string)$securityNodes;                                                      

  2. This is SOAP, an object serialization format that uses XML syntax. Best solution is to use a SOAP library. PHP has ext/soap for this. Using an XML library would be a level lower.

    The XML uses namespaces. Namespaces are specified using unique URIs. For readability/maintainability XML defines aliases for the URIs and uses them as prefixes for node names. However the following 3 examples all should be read as {}Envelope:

    • <soap-env:envelope xmlns::soap-env=""/>
    • <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""/>
    • <Envelope xmlns=""/>

    Namespaces can be defined on any element node, so they can change even in a single document. That means that your code should not depend on the aliases/prefixes in the document, but the namespace URIs.

    I strongly suggest defining an array variable/constant for the used namespaces. Then you can use Xpath and the namespace aware DOM methods (with the suffix NS).

    // used namespaces, the keys do NOT need to match the prefixes in the XML.
    $xmlns = [
        'soap' => '',
        'eb' => '',
        'sec' => ''
    $document = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXpath($document);
    // register your aliases for the namespaces
    foreach ($xmlns as $alias => $uri) {
        $xpath->registerNamespace($alias, $uri);
    $token = $xpath->evaluate(

    DOMXpath::evaluate() allows for Xpath expression that return node lists and scalar values. If you cast a node list (specified by a location path) to string it will return the text content of the first node or an empty string.

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