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I have created Amazon Lightsail instance. And started a fresh wordpress site, now i connected phpmyadmin vie putty .ppk file its connected successfully with user bn_wordpress but if i want to create new database in this user it shows:


Access Denied for user bn_wordpress@localhost to database NEW_CREATED_DB


I just want to know how can i proceed to create new password. I am new to AWS Lightsail. Please provide answers.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Complete setup was correct: 1. Download .pem file from lightsail instance 2. Convert it into .ppk extension vie puutygen 3. Connect vie putty software and ppk key. 4. Access phpmyadmin vie 5. Login successfully with root credentials.


  2. The bn_wordpress user doesn’t have privileges to create databases. In this case, you will need to use the “root” user and the credentials we configure during the boot process to access phpMyAdmin and create that new database you want to create.

    I hope this helps.

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