I have XAMPP installed and turned on which is how I access my phpmyadmin page. I have created a database in phpmyadmin called “firstdb”.
I have also created auth in laravel files stored locally. I am trying to migrate tables using php artisan migrate and I am getting the error below.
user@Andress-MacBook-Pro admin-panel % php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = firstdb and table_name = migrations and table_type = 'BASE TABLE')
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:671
667| // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
668| // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
669| // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
670| catch (Exception $e) {
> 671| throw new QueryException(
672| $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
673| );
674| }
+37 vendor frames
38 artisan:37
IlluminateFoundationConsoleKernel::handle(Object(SymfonyComponentConsoleInputArgvInput), Object(SymfonyComponentConsoleOutputConsoleOutput))
I have looked everywhere, please help.
It could be the wrong mysql port number in your
file. Check your.env
file and make sure the port number matches the same one mysql is using.I noticed something weird regarding the password that was in the command line output vs what was actually in the env file. Turned out I had a number sign in my password and it was getting cut off.
So check the output after you run
php artisan migrate
and make sure that the password actually matches the password in your env (and all information for that matter). The fix is to just add quotes if there is a mismatch.DB_PASSWORD=abcdefghijklmonp5#Q
would become
In addition to making sure all of your configs are correct escaping password with quotes I ran into a similar issue for a clean install on linux.
To solve the issue I made sure to run
composer update
and for good measure I rannpm run dev
Then it was able to migrate without issue.
change DB_CONNECTION= TO mysql in
fileTry to set your DB_HOST on your .env to
Try to set on php.ini and search:
Delete ";" to uncomment
First, check the the user plugin:
If the user is using caching_sha2_password change to mysql_native_password, because PHP doesn’t yet understand caching_sha2_password
In order to set your database host, you need to edit the .env file and specify the desired hostname instead of IP address. To do this, locate the DB_HOST variable in the .env file and assign it the value of "localhost". This will instruct your application to connect to a local database server, which is typically running on the same machine as the application itself.
For example, you might see a line like this in your .env file:
To set the hostname to "localhost", you would simply update the line to read:
Once you have saved your changes to the .env file, your application should be able to connect to the local database server using the hostname or IP address that you specified.