This working with mysql (5.7.32) php (8.0.0) and laravel 8.
I get lat and lng using leaflet. in fact I did tests saving the number manually in the database and the same error occurs
when I look at the database with phpmyadmin I see exactly the number it should be:
-32.84240531063937 but when I bring those values with laravel and do dd() -32.842405310639
remove the last numbers (37).
the data type on mysql is DOUBLE without Length/Values
this is how i get the numbers from the database.
I have a table called complaints where each of them has lat and lng
So now I need to get all the records that have (comune_name = Llay Lay)
and it is from there where I get lat and lng from the first record.
$complaints = Complaint::where('comune_name', 'Llay Llay')->get()->toArray();
$denounced_lat = $complaints[0]['lat']; //lat of first complaint
$denounced_lng = $complaints[0]['lng']; //lng of first complaint
dd($denounced_lat); //acá está el error
The number I see in the database is: -32.84240531063937
and the number that dd () draws is: -32.842405310639
thnks 🙂
EDIT: Finally i save as VARCHAR.
PHP works with different precision compared to your database solution.
Consider storing them as 64-bit signed ints if you want to keep the precision.
to hold a long number after the comma ‘,’ you can use decimal:
The declaration syntax for a DECIMAL column is DECIMAL(M,D). The ranges of values for the arguments are as follows:
M is the maximum number of digits (the precision). It has a range of 1 to 65.
D is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point (the scale). It has a range of 0 to 30 and must be no larger than M.
it worth to say that you should cast it to float in $cast attribute in your model, in Laravel doc, there is a decimal cast but it’s not ready yet!
for more info see this answer.
see mysql decimal