I have no idea with joins and I am really having a trouble getting the logic. Can anyone please help me?
Here is my table Announcements:
AnnouncementID Subject Header Status
1 Peter Header 2 Publish
2 2x2 Header 3 Draft
3 Resignation Header 4 Publish
And here is another table ReadAnnouncements:
AnnouncementID Username Status
1 User 1 Read
2 User 2 Read
2 User 3 Read
I want my result to be
AnnouncementID Username Status Header Subject
1 User 1 Read Peter Header 2
2 User 2 Read 2x2 Header 3
2 User 3 Read 2x2 Header 3
Please teach me how I am really confused been trying this for two days already.
$sql=" SELECT a.AnnouncementID,a.Created,r.Username,a.Status,a.Header,a.Body from Announcements a join ReadAnnouncements r using(AnnouncementID) WHERE a.Status = 'Publish'";
$result = mysqli_query( $conn,$sql);
while($rows = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$time = date('h:i:s a',strtotime($rows['Created']));
$date = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($rows['Created']));
if($rows['ReadStatus'] == 'Unread'){
echo '
<tr class="'.$rows['Status'].'clickable-row" >
<strong><td class="view-message dont-show"><a href="ViewAnnouncement.php?view_id='.$rows['AnnouncementID'].'" style="text-decoration: none " class="text-dark"><div>'.$rows['Header'].'</div></a></td>
<td class="view-message "><a href="ViewAnnouncement.php?view_id='.$rows['AnnouncementID'].'" style="text-decoration: none" class="text-dark" ><div>'.substr($rows['Body'],0,90).'</div></a></td>
<!--<td class="view-message inbox-small-cells"><i class="fa fa-paperclip"></i></td>-->
<td class="view-message text-right"><a href="ViewAnnouncement.php?view_id='.$rows['AnnouncementID'].'" style="text-decoration: none" class="text-dark"><div><h6>'.$time.''.'<br>'.''.$date.'</h6></div></a></td></strong></tr>
echo '<strong>
<tr class="'.$rows['Status'].'clickable-row" >
<strong><td class="view-message dont-show"><a href="ViewAnnouncement.php?view_id='.$rows['AnnouncementID'].'" style="text-decoration: none " class="text-dark"><div>'.$rows['Header'].'</div></a></td>
<td class="view-message "><a href="ViewAnnouncement.php?view_id='.$rows['AnnouncementID'].'" style="text-decoration: none" class="text-dark" ><div>'.substr($rows['Body'],0,90).'</div></a></td>
<!--<td class="view-message inbox-small-cells"><i class="fa fa-paperclip"></i></td>-->
<td class="view-message text-right"><a href="ViewAnnouncement.php?view_id='.$rows['AnnouncementID'].'" style="text-decoration: none" class="text-dark"><div><h6>'.$time.''.'<br>'.''.$date.'</h6></div></a></td></strong></tr>
I want to select all rows from table announcements that are only Published and classify them if they are read or unread based on username and announcement id.
You can use the below query to get the result.
Joins are pretty easy, check this explanation.
In your case, you can do something like this:
You can use inner join. The INNER JOIN keyword selects records that have matching values in both tables.
Use JOIN clause to combine rows from two or more tables in a database, based on a related column between them ( in your case, AnnouncementID ).
When combine data from 2 tables, you have a few combinations possible:
(INNER) JOIN: Returns records that have matching values in both tables
LEFT (OUTER) JOIN: Return all records from the left table, and the matched records from the right table
RIGHT (OUTER) JOIN: Return all records from the right table, and the matched records from the left table
FULL (OUTER) JOIN: Return all records when there is a match in either left or right table
(source: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp)
Using your database schema, you should use:
You don’t mention which DBMS you are using, so SQL query above may differ.