Steps I follow to setup Laravel using Docker: in my local system I don’t have installed PHP, Composer, Apache, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, etc. I only have Git and Docker install in my system.
git clone
create docker-composer.yml file on project root.
version: "3" services: db: image: mysql:5.7 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: pass MYSQL_DATABASE: db MYSQL_USER: root MYSQL_PASSWORD: pass ports: - "3306:3306" web: image: php:7.2.2-apache container_name: web_laravel depends_on: - db volumes: - ./:/var/www/html/ ports: - "4000:80" stdin_open: true tty: true phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin depends_on: - db external_links: - db:mysql ports: - "9191:80" environment: MYSQL_USER: root MYSQL_PASSWORD: pass MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: pass PMA_HOST: db
run command from project root.
docker-compose up
This command will fetch all the images (php:7.2.2-apache, phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin, mysql:5.7) from local cache or Docker Hub and start three containers for these images.
Now I need to interact with php:7.2.2-apache image’s container called web_laravel (see in yml file) so I can add PHP extensions and Composer to run Laravel project.
run this command.
docker exec -it web_laravel /bin/bash
Now I have access to run any command in running web_laravel container so I’ve installed Composer and PHP extensions like mbstrings, pdo, pdo_mysql etc.
Then install Laravel dependency using composer install, set permission for storage and bootstrap/cache folders and run php artisan key:generate.
open localhost:4000 and I’m able to see Laravel home page:
At this point all is good. The problem starts now when I’m connecting to my DB.
Next command to run (I’m still within container):
php artisan migrate
and the errors are:
IlluminateDatabaseQueryException : SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = blog and table_name = migrations)
IlluminateDatabaseQueryException : could not find driver (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = blog and table_name = migrations)
I’m able to open phpMyAdmin (http://localhost:9191) and can create DB, table and operations related DB. I’ve DB called blog.
MySQL env variables:
I think you have a couple of issues, the first is that laravel .env configuration should point to the MySQL container, not localhost
should be
And the other error you talked about, is not related to Docker
it’s probably related to a missing dependency, you should run
composer require doctrine/dbal
Also, you said:
You should build your image on top of PHP 7/Apache image, and add those to the build dockerfile, because your changes (php extensions, configurations…etc) are not persistent. I would suggest you use Laradock or any other existing Laravel/docker environment.
In my Docker-compose.yml, I added this:
In my Laravel Env:
You have to change DB_HOST=mysql to DB_HOST=
try DB_HOST=host.docker.internal
Works also.