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Let’s take table with name Items and columns: Item,Seller,Price,Date.
Now I need to such selector: for any item we need to select minimum Price in some Date interval which was suggested by Seller,if there is more than 1 Date,give only Later) and if on that date are more than 1 seller,show all.
I wrote some code,but It does not take minimum date from given list.
What I need to add in selector to get result that I need?

SELECT *    
FROM Items mt 
        SELECT Item, MIN(Price) MinPrice
        FROM Items    
        GROUP BY Item
    t ON mt.Item = t.Item AND mt.Price = t.MinPrice
    where Date > '2019-04-01' and Date < '2019-04-15'
    ItemA SellerA 10 2019-04-02
    ItemA SellerB 10 2019-04-03
    ItemA SellerC 10 2019-04-07
    ItemA SellerD 20 2019-04-05
    ItemA SellerE 10 2019-04-06
    ItemA SellerF 10 2019-04-02
    ItemA SellerG 20 2019-04-07

    ItemA SellerC 10 2019-04-07
    ItemA SellerG 20 2019-04-07



  1. I think you want:

    SELECT it.*    
    FROM Items it INNER JOIN
         (SELECT Item, MIN(Price) as MinPrice
          FROM Items  
          WHERE Date > '2019-04-01' AND Date < '2019-04-15'  
          GROUP BY Item
         ) itmin
         ON it.Item = itmin.Item AND it.Price = itmin.MinPrice
    WHERE it.Date > '2019-04-01' AND it.Date < '2019-04-15' ;
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  2. So we can’t join on date as grouping by it may not give us a min price within a date range. So we have to use two where clauses.

    So we use inner query Z to get us the min price and max date per item within the date range required. Then join back to your base set to get all sellers which have that max date.


    SELECT I.Item, I.Seller, I.Price,I.Date
    INNER JOIN (SELECT min(price) MinPrice, max(date) maxDate, item
                FROM items 
                WHERE Date > '2019-04-01' and < '2018-04-15'
                GROUP BY Item) Z
      ON I.Item = Z.Item
     AND I.Price =  Z.Price
     and I.Date = Z.MaxDate
    WHERE I.Date > '2019-04-01' and < '2018-04-15'

    But I don’t think this is right yet… as max date may not be the date associated to the min price…


    SELECT I.Item, I.Seller, I.Price,I.Date
    INNER JOIN (SELECT min(price) MinPrice, item
                FROM items 
                WHERE Date > '2019-04-01' and < '2018-04-15'
                GROUP BY Item) Z
      ON I.Item = Z.Item
     AND I.Price =  Z.Price
     INNER JOIN (SELECT max(Date) MaxDate, item, Price
                FROM items 
                WHERE Date > '2019-04-01' and < '2018-04-15'
                GROUP BY Item, Price) Y
      ON I.Item = Y.Item
     AND I.Price =  Y.Price
     AND I.Date = Y.MaxDate
    WHERE I.Date > '2019-04-01' and < '2018-04-15'

    But then I think there should be a way to to simplify this so i’m not having to have 3 where clauses…

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