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I have a WordPress website and following a change of theme I have to modify the structure of a thousand links present on about fifty pages. I would like to do it in SQL via PHPMYADMIN.

Is there a way in SQL to remove the end of all my link with the following structure :

- <a href="">
- <a href="">
- <a href="">

In order to only get :

- <a href="">
- <a href="">
- <a href="">

I tried to use the answer of this topic : MYSQL Replace string between two known strings but I did not manage to find a solution to fit my purpose.

I also thought about doing it in two parts :
1- Remove the content between the ‘/lecon/‘ and the ‘">‘.
2- Then remove completely all the iteration of ‘/lecon/’ of my pages, because they only occur on the links that I want to edit.
But my knowledges in SQL are limited and I have no clue of how to do the first part.

My apologizes for my English.

Thanks in avance for any helps !



  1. On MySQL 8+, we can try using a regex replacement:

        REGEXP_REPLACE(tag, '(<a href="https?://(?:[^/]+/){3}).*">', '$1">')
    FROM yourTable;


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  2. For MySQL < 8 (5.7), without REGEXP_REPLACE:

    SELECT REPLACE(CONCAT(TRIM(TRAILING SUBSTRING_INDEX(url, '/lecon/', -1) FROM url), '">'), 'lecon/', '') FROM `your_table`


    Using your idea, I removed all from /lecon/ to the end in STEP 1 and concatenated "> to repair the HTML URL, and then I replaced lecon/ with an empty string in STEP 2.

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