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I’ve a table with unique constrain on 3 columns:

Let’s say one row is

col5      col7     col9
lemon    orange   apple

if I try to modify that very same row to (just update to capital letter):

col5     col7     col9
lemon    Orange   apple

I get the error Duplicate entry lemon-Orange-apple. Basically mysql compares the proposed modification, not just to the other rows of the table, but also to itself, the modified row (before the modification).
After some troubleshooting, I believe it’s related to LONGTEXT… but not sure how to solve it…


Is there a way to keep the table/columns case insensitive, but let understand mysql that I’m just modifying a row, so it doesn’t have to compare the row values to itself (the modified row)?

UPDATE (more details)

Is anybody able to reproduce this problem?

Server version: 10.4.17-MariaDB

After running SHOW CREATE TABLE this is the result:

CREATE TABLE `mytable` 
( `post_ID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'my comment', 
`col1` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'unique or NULL', 
 `col2` varchar(255) NOT NULL, 
 `col3` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, 
 `col4` int(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'CONSTRAIN: Accepts only NULL and post_ID', 
 `col5` longtext NOT NULL, 
 `col6` longtext NOT NULL, 
 `col7` longtext NOT NULL, 
 `col8` longtext NOT NULL, 
 `col9` longtext NOT NULL, 
 `col10` longtext NOT NULL, 
 PRIMARY KEY (`post_ID`), UNIQUE KEY `col1` (`col1`), 
 UNIQUE KEY `col5` (`col5`(255),`col7`(255),`col9`(255)) USING HASH COMMENT '!!!These columns together MUST be unique!!!', 
 KEY `key_1` (`col3`), KEY `key_2` (`col4`) ) 

Insert test data:

INSERT INTO `mytable` 
(`post_ID`, `col1`, `col2`, `col3`, `col4`, `col5`, `col6`, `col7`, `col8`, `col9`, `col10`) 
 VALUES (NULL, NULL, '', NULL, NULL, 'apple', '', 'orange', '', 'apple', '');

Try to Update orange to Orange (just by typing the word Orange into phpMyAdmin field):

UPDATE `mytable` SET `col7` = 'Orange' WHERE `mytable`.`post_ID` = 120


#1062 - Duplicate entry 'apple-Orange-apple' for key 'col5'


I tried to modify collation to utf8mb4_bin or latin7_general_cs (as proposed on other questions) for CaSe sEnSiTivE comparisons; it solves the problem of modify only cApS, but it doesn’t work for me because all searches became CaSe sEnSiTivE (obviously) and when I search the table for "orange" it will not find "Orange".

Tried also to alternate make table utf8mb4_bin and columns utf8mb4_general_ci (and viceversa), but with no luck. Same problems.
After some troubleshooting, I believe it’s related to LONGTEXT… but not sure how to solve it…



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER


    By luck and chance, problem is solved!

    Not sure how, but these are the steps I did:

    1. Following Garr Godfrey's comment ("...if they are LONGTEXT, mysql requires a LENGTH to be set on the index") I added length (1000) to the index.

    [at this step still not working, but useful for next steps]

    1. Brute/Force Restart the server (actually the battery died :o !!)

    2. in phpMyAdmin: Optimize Table (in the hope that this was rebuilding the index)

    TA DAAA! Now we are back on business : ) !

    Thanks to everybody for your support!

  2. MySQL 8.0.13 supports functional indexes. So, you can do what you want using a unique index:

    create unique index idx_t_col1_col2_col3 on t( (convert(col1 using binary)), (convert(col2 using binary)), (convert(col3 using binary)) )

    In older versions of 8.0, you can mimic this by creating computed columns and then creating an index on those columns.

    Here is a simpler example using only one column.

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