I’m trying to set up angular universal on angular7 with asp.net core 2.1. The prerendering works perfectly on a local build but does not add code to the page source on a server in production with no errors or logs.
Due to the lack of logs I suspect this is because the server module is not loaded/ started but I have no idea why. Is this something that should be added into the web config?
I am using a windows shared plesk server which supports node.js and IIS Node. Here is a snippet from my Startup.cs
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.StartupTimeout = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 1000);
spa.Options.SourcePath = "ClientApp";
spa.UseSpaPrerendering(options =>
options.BootModulePath = $"{spa.Options.SourcePath}/dist-server/main.js";
options.BootModuleBuilder = env.IsDevelopment() ? new
AngularCliBuilder(npmScript: "build:ssr") : null;
options.ExcludeUrls = new[] { "/sockjs-node" };
if (env.IsDevelopment())
spa.UseAngularCliServer(npmScript: "start");
I eventually realised I had the line
as well asapp.UseSpaStaticFiles
in Startup.cs. Removingapp.UseStaticFiles();
solved this issue. However, I am still not sure why this wasn't causing issues on a local build.I believe you are misusing the prerendering middleware.
About prerendering: Represents the ability to build a Single Page Application (SPA) on demand so that it can be prerendered. This is only intended to be used at development time. In production, a SPA should already have been built during publishing.
You should hide that piece of code behind:
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