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I have originally been hosting my apps on Heroku, however this is not an acceptable deployment method in my current environment. We have personal information in our applications that deploying to Heroku and setting up DNS forwarding is not acceptable. Regardless of how ‘secure’ or ‘reliable’ anyone may think it is, it is just not acceptable in my case.

Our host is, integrated with Plesk 10.4.4. If I SSH onto our websites server as admin and type

ruby -v

ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [x86_64-linux].

rails -v

Rails 2.3.5

It appears Ruby and Rails are already installed (Older versions than I require, as I need ruby 1.9.3 and Rails 3.2) If I’m not mistaken it seems like my host ‘supports’ rails (why else would it already have it installed :P).

How should I go about deploying my application directly onto my companies website?



  1. Pick up a copy of Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition and read what it says about deployment. That should get you started. There’s more info required than can be put in a SO answer.

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  2. Heroku is an awesome service but the ease of deploying to Heroku has given you a skewed view of what is involved in hosting your own rails website. Heroku has shielded you from a lot of the hard parts.

    For example, just because ruby and rails is installed does not necessarily mean you can host a production rails website. You’ll need a rails specific web server (for example nginx and passenger, unicorn, etc). You also need a database (MySQL or Postgres) assuming your web app uses one. Also, as you said you need to upgrade the versions of ruby and rails.

    That’s just to get the server setup. After that you can get to the deployment part. Capistrano seems to be the most popular choice right now.

    Take a look at this railscast episode on deploying to a virtual private server for a very good overview of what is involved. It also briefly goes into Capistrano as well. It’s not a free episode but I feel it’s definitly worth the money.

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