Php Version : 5.6.0
Cakephp version : 3.0
Hosting Shared , plesk server
PHP Fatal error: You must enable the intl extension to use CakePHP.
G:PleskVhostsxxxxxxxxxxx.comelection.vipscollege.comconfigrequirements.php on line 33
We got solution for that :
On windows servers, open your php.ini (which should be in Program Files/PHP), and simply uncomment the extension.
But we can’t access php.ini file , is there any way for enable php_intl.dll using Cakephp 3 ?
Thanks in Advance
Deepak Goud
whether you can. you just have to open it with an editor like (sublime, notepad ++, etc …). And then you unzip * extension = php_intl.dll *
As it stands in GoDaddy docs, you need to enable it in your initialization file. For plesk hosting, you should create
file in your website root and you can enable intl extension there.Additional reading:
GoDaddy – enable custom PHP modules
GoDaddy – what filename does my PHP initialization file need to use?