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Im trying to forward a subdomain to an IP address in Parallels Plesk,

Ive selected the relevant domain, gone to DNS settings and created and A record with the name im wanting to point and the IP address.

E.g to the IP address

I then updated the changes.

But when I try to visit the address the server times out, is there something I missed?

Many Thanks




  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Sorted this now; someone had put a wildcard A record in which was overriding all the changes I made.

  2. Just Click Add Record
    Select A Record
    Enter ABC on first box
    Enter IP on second box
    Click Ok
    Click Update
    and then access the

    See the result also some how on same location ISP did not cached the Current IP caching so please use always to check IP redirection has been done or still not resolving.

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