I’m trying to make this plugin for Roundcube that you can manage email aliases but I’m running into a little bit of a problem. When I call to fetch the email aliases it’s only showing the first one and ignoring any other ones that are available. For example, one of my email address has 4 aliases but it’s only showing the first alias and ignoring the rest.
This is the code that I have so far:
$plek_email = <<<EOF
$plesk_email_response = new SimpleXMLElement($plesk_client->request($plek_email));
foreach ($plesk_email_response->mail->get_info->result->mailname as $mailname) {
$plesk_client_email = $mailname->alias;
You’ll have to loop trough all the alias elements in the response XML output from the API.
Like so:
FYI: There is a very useful Roundcube plugin called custom_from that lets you use parameters of your default identity combined with answering from email aliases in your main mailbox. That way you don’t have to mess with managing identities/aliases. You can even choose a completely virtual input (when your webhosting company allows you to).