MySQL error:
Failed to Connect to MySQL at 12.34.567.890:3306 with user jsdbadmin
Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 61
Plesk, SuSE vServer, fresh installation: completly new about an half year ago.
Trying to connect via MySQL Workbench, current version.
Hostname: 12.34.567.890 (modified for privacy), also tried with domain
Port: 3306
Username: My DB user name, as specified in Plesk when DB was created.
Password: *************
Default Schema: feeds
Tried TCP/IP, TC/IP over ssh.
Searched online:
These settings are not the problem:
#bind-address =
Both already commented out.
Do you have a Firewall blocking the connection ?
You can test by telneting to the mysql port.
you also need to allow the ip/user combos that are allowed to connect
to add a new user
to grant access to a specific ip
Another possible (really annoying) error is that the server’s public ssh keys have changed since your last login or that you’ve never logged in to that server using SSH and therefore you must manually approve them.
To solve this:
$ nano ~/.ssh/known_hosts
That worked for me…