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I am trying to get all customers with their latest payment transaction, including customers without any transaction:

SELECT c.customer_id, c.phone_number,
     , p.transaction_no, p.amount, p.transaciton_datetime
FROM tbl_customers c 
   SELECT customer_id, transaction_no, amount, transaciton_datetime
   FROM tbl_payment_transactions
   ORDER BY payment_transaction_id DESC
   LIMIT 1
) p
ON c.customer_id = p.customer_id

The above query returns NULL for p.transaction_no, p.amount, p.transaciton_datetime in every row. But I can make sure that there are transactions made by customers in tbl_payment_transactions.



  1. You want the subquery to be run once per each different row of the driving table tbl_customers. This is called a lateral subquery and takes the form:

      c.customer_id, c.phone_number,,
      p.transaction_no, p.amount, p.transaciton_datetime
    FROM tbl_customers c 
      SELECT customer_id, transaction_no, amount, transaciton_datetime
      FROM tbl_payment_transactions t
      WHERE c.customer_id = t.customer_id
      ORDER BY payment_transaction_id DESC 
      LIMIT 1
    ) p
    ON true
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  2. The Impaler provided the correct form with a LATERAL subquery.

    Alternatively, you can use DISTINCT ON in a subquery and a plain LEFT JOIN.

    Performance of the latter can be better while retrieving all (or most) customers, and if there are only few transactions per customer and/or you don’t have a multicolumn index on (customer_id, payment_transaction_id) or (customer_id, payment_transaction_id DESC):

    SELECT c.customer_id, c.phone_number,
         , p.transaction_no, p.amount, p.transaciton_datetime
    FROM   tbl_customers c 
    LEFT   JOIN (
       SELECT DISTINCT ON (customer_id)
              customer_id, transaction_no, amount, transaciton_datetime
       FROM   tbl_payment_transactions
       ORDER  BY customer_id, payment_transaction_id DESC
       ) p USING (customer_id);

    About performance aspects:

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