I’m inserting records read from a file in date /or time field in Postgres.
Many of the date/or time fields are blank in file. I want null to be inserted for the corresponding table fields. Postgres table col for date /or time is defined as date/ or time respectively.
Using the query as below.
I’m getting error :
psycopg2.errors.InvalidDatetimeFormat: invalid input syntax for type date: " "
Any directions as to where lies the problem will be helpful.
INSERT INTO userbasic
(name, create_date, owner_id, adsp, special,
oper, revoke, grpacc, pwd_interval, pwd_date,
programmer, defgrp_id, lastjob_time, lastjob_date, install_data)
(%s, NULLIF(%s,'')::date, %s, %s, %s,
%s, %s, %s, %s, NULLIF(%s,'')::date,
%s, %s,NULLIF(%s,'')::time, NULLIF(%s,'')::date, %s)
Expect the records with no value for date/ or time col to be inserted to table with NULL.
Adrian Klaver, many thanks for your inputs. I used the below code and NULLIF(%s,'')::date for the corresponding field in VALUES clause. This solved the problem.
You here are passing "STRING" as value in date-time field.
To insert "NULL" in this field you can use "NULLIF()" function(example here). This function will convert empty string to NULL. Now, you need to convert this to "date-time" type, for this you can use "to_date()" function or just typecast it.
This query might help:
you might need to use to_timestamp() function to convert a string in a specific time format