Oracle Query –
In Oracle, restrict is of varchar data type with check constraint of json type, and we are trying to get the result where the informationType = ‘MEASURE’ and accessScope = ‘NONE’ in the column value of table.
select distinct u_id
from u_restrict u,
json_table(u.restrict, '$[*]' columns (informationType varchar2 path '$.informationType',
accessScope varchar2 path '$.accessScope')) jt
where jt.informationType = 'MEASURE' and jt.accessScope = 'NONE'
PostgreSQL query-
In PostgreSQL, restrict is of text data type, and we are trying to get the result where the informationType = ‘MEASURE’ and accessScope = ‘NONE’ in the column value of table, but getting cannot extract elements from a scalar
SELECT distinct u_id
FROM u_restrict u,
jsonb_array_elements(u.restrict::jsonb) AS r,
jsonb_array_elements(r->'informationType') AS ir,
jsonb_array_elements(ir->'accessScope') AS ase
WHERE ase->>'accessScope' = 'NONE'
AND ir->>'informationType' = 'MEASURE';
But getting below error –
cannot extract elements from a scalar
SQL state: 22023
Could anyone please help to rewrite the query to get the desired result.
As far as I understand the logic of your Oracle query, this should be it.
I am not entirely sure, but it looks like you don’t need to turn the array into rows at all. You can apply a JSON path expression in the WHERE clause which might also remove the need to apply DISTINCT: