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If I have a table like this:

    id       SERIAL,
    content  TEXT,
    copyofid INTEGER

Is there a way to copy id into copyofid in a single insert statement?

I tried:
INSERT INTO mytable(content, copyofid) VALUES("test", id);

But that doesn’t seem to work.



  1. You can find the sequence behind your serial column using pg_get_serial_sequence() and access it using currval() to get what serial column just got as a result of your INSERT.

    CREATE TABLE mytable
    (   id       SERIAL,
        content  TEXT,
        copyofid INTEGER
    --this works for a single-record insert
    INSERT INTO mytable
      (content, copyofid) 
      ('test', currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('mytable','id')));
    --inserting more, you'll have to handle both columns relying on the sequence
    INSERT INTO mytable
    ( id, 
    ( nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence('mytable','id')),
    ( nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence('mytable','id')),
    table mytable;
    -- id | content | copyofid
    --  1 | test    |        1
    --  2 | test3   |        2
    --  3 | test4   |        3
    --(3 rows)


    Edouard makes makes a fair point that if you can specify the conditions when you want this behaviour, you can add them to the definition:

    CREATE TABLE mytable
    (   id       SERIAL,
        content  TEXT,
        copyofid integer 
            generated always as (
            case when content ilike '%requires copying ID%' then id end)
    insert into mytable (content) values ('abc') returning *;
    -- id | content | copyofid
    --  1 | abc     |
    --(1 row)
    insert into mytable (content) values ('abc, but requires copying ID') returning *;
    -- id |           content            | copyofid
    --  2 | abc, but requires copying ID |        2
    --(1 row)

    If they vary between inserts

    CREATE TABLE mytable                                                                                                                
    (   id       SERIAL,
        content  TEXT,
        copyofid integer
            generated always as (
            case when should_copy_id then id end)
        should_copy_id boolean default false
    insert into mytable (content) values ('efg') returning *;
    -- id | content | copyofid | should_copy_id
    --  1 | efg     |          | f
    --(1 row)
    insert into mytable (content,should_copy_id) values ('klm','today'::date<>'2022-10-28'::date) returning *;
    -- id | content | copyofid | should_copy_id
    --  2 | klm     |        2 | t
    --(1 row)

    The trigger will be better if

    1. the check is fairly complex – generated columns are pretty limited in terms of the definition complexity. For example, you can’t use mutable functions in them – not even STABLE are accepted
    2. you want to save the logic and change it later without having to drop the column each time, then re-add it with a new definition (only way to alter a generated column definition)
    3. as a part of the insert you’ll want to do more than just copy the id column
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  2. The solution is to create a trigger function which is fired before inserting a new row in table mytable and which copy into NEW.copyofid if a condition is true :

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION before_insert_mytable() RETURN trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
      IF condition
      THEN NEW.copyofid = ;
      END IF ;
      RETURN NEW ;
    END ; $$
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER before_insert_mytable BEFORE INSERT ON mytable
    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION before_insert_mytable () ;

    The condition can also be stated directly in the WHEN clause of the trigger instead of in the function :

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION before_insert_mytable() RETURN trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
      NEW.copyofid = ;
      RETURN NEW ;
    END ; $$
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER before_insert_mytable BEFORE INSERT ON mytable
    WHEN condition
    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION before_insert_mytable () ;

    see the manual

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