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I am trying to count the number of consecutive weeks an employee went to work. So I have this table that has whether jon or andy went to work on certain weeks (I have all week of the year).

I am trying on Postgresql

Input table

What I would like know the number of times each person went consecutively to work x number of weeks.

So the way the below is read is that Andy went twice two consecutive weeks.

Output Table

I feel like I am close. On python I could use a for loop probably, but on Postgresql I am a bit lost.




  1. We group each amount of consecutive weeks worked per person and then group by the result and the person.

    select    person
             ,count(*)/consecutive_weeks as times
    from      (
              select    person
                       ,sum(case when "went to work?" = 1 then 1 end) over(partition by person, grp) as consecutive_weeks
              from     (
                       select  *
                               ,count(mrk) over(partition by person order by week) as grp
                       from    (
                               select  *
                                       ,case when "went to work?" <> lag("went to work?") over(partition by person order by week) then 1 end as mrk
                               from    t
                               ) t
                      ) t
             ) t
    where    consecutive_weeks is not null
    group by person, consecutive_weeks
    order by person
    person consecutive_weeks times
    andy 2 2
    john 3 1
    john 2 1


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  2. You can find groups of weeks where a person was present, assigning a running id to each row of the group, and then apply a count on the results, performing a group by on the id:

    with cte as (
       select t3.person, t3.k, count(*) c from 
          (select t.*, (select sum((t1.person = t.person and t1.week <= t.week and t1.at_work = 0)::int) k from tbl t1) 
           from tbl t) t3 
       where t3.at_work != 0 group by t3.person, t3.k
    select c.person, c.c, count(*) c1 from cte c group by c.person, c.c order by c1

    See fiddle.

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