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I have the following table:

product price   date
banana  90  2022-01-01
banana  90  2022-01-02
banana  90  2022-01-03
banana  95  2022-01-04
banana  90  2022-01-05
banana  90  2022-01-06

I need to add a non-unique ID column to the table. Every time the price changes, I want the ID to change. This would result in the following table.

id  product price   date
A   banana  90  2022-01-01
A   banana  90  2022-01-02
A   banana  90  2022-01-03
B   banana  95  2022-01-04
C   banana  90  2022-01-05
C   banana  90  2022-01-06

By searching for answers in SO and Google, I was able to create a column (my_seq) that contains a sequence that resets every time (see sql fiddle for my query) the price changes. But I still don’t know how to create an ID column that resets every time the my_seq starts over.

my_seq  rn1 rn2 product price   date
1   1   1   banana  90  2022-01-01
2   2   2   banana  90  2022-01-02
3   3   3   banana  90  2022-01-03
1   1   4   banana  95  2022-01-04
1   4   5   banana  90  2022-01-05
2   5   6   banana  90  2022-01-06 

sql-fiddle with DDL and my query




  1. You are half-there already with the query in your Fiddle.

    Consider what you get if you subtract your rn1 & rn2 values – you get the values you need to group by.

    If you want an increasing sequence you can then apply a dense rank:

    with cte as (
      select *, 
        Row_Number() over(order by date)
        - Row_Number() over(partition by product, price order by date) rn
      from my_table
    select Dense_Rank() over(order by rn) as my_seq,
      product, price, date
    from cte;

    Modified fiddle

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  2. It will generate sequence number whenever price change.

    with cte as (
    row_number  () over( w) as price_change,
    window w as (partition by product,price order by date)
    row_number()over(partition by price_change order by price_change) as seq_no
    from cte
    order by seq_no,price_change


    product|price|date      |seq_no|
    banana |   90|2022-01-01|     1|
    banana |   90|2022-01-02|     1|
    banana |   90|2022-01-03|     1|
    banana |   90|2022-01-05|     1|
    banana |   90|2022-01-06|     1|
    banana |   95|2022-01-04|     2|
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  3. with cte as (
        select ((lag(price) over w1) <> price)::int changes
             , *
        from my_table
        window w1 as (partition by product order by date) )
    select chr( ascii('A') + 
                (sum(coalesce(changes,0)) over w2)::int ) as your_seq
         , product
         , price
         , date
    from cte
    window w2 as (
      partition by product 
      order by date 
      groups between unbounded preceding and current row);
    1. The lag() window function references previous row within the same ordered group. It’s null for the first row, hence the coalesce() later
    2. Result of comparing to the previous price can be cast to ::int, resulting in 0 for when it’s unchanged and 1 where it changed.
    3. A sum() over (... groups between unbounded preceding and current row) is just a rolling sum collecting everything so far, up to the current row in the window. Rolling over 0‘s and 1‘s it’ll grow only for rows where the price changed.
    4. chr(ascii(start_char) + offset) can get you the alphabetical sequence, but it also limits it to alphabet length.

    Sample output from a demo with more tests:

    -- your_seq |  product  | price |    date
    -- A        | apple     |    90 | 2022-01-01
    -- A        | apple     |    90 | 2022-01-02
    -- A        | apple     |    90 | 2022-01-03
    -- B        | apple     |    95 | 2022-01-04
    -- C        | apple     |    90 | 2022-01-05
    -- C        | apple     |    90 | 2022-01-06
    -- A        | banana    |    90 | 2022-01-01
    -- A        | banana    |    90 | 2022-01-02
    -- A        | banana    |    90 | 2022-01-03
    -- B        | banana    |    95 | 2022-01-04
    -- C        | banana    |    90 | 2022-01-05
    -- C        | banana    |    90 | 2022-01-06
    -- A        | orange    |    80 | 2022-01-01
    -- A        | papaya    |    20 | 2022-01-01
    -- A        | papaya    |    20 | 2022-01-02
    -- B        | papaya    |    30 | 2022-01-03
    -- A        | pineapple |    40 | 2022-01-01
    -- B        | pineapple |    25 | 2022-01-02
    -- B        | pineapple |    25 | 2022-01-03
    -- A        | satsuma   |    10 | 2022-01-01
    -- A        | satsuma   |    10 | 2022-01-02
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