My problem is that when I try to delete records from a table in postgreSQL with python I can’t do it, the method I created deletes 1 by 1, but when I want to delete 2 or more at once I get an error, which is this,
TypeError: PersonaDAO.delete() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
The method I create to delete is this one, inside the PersonaDAO class.
In addition I have the classes of connection, that has the method to connect to the bd and of cursor.
Person class that has the initializer method with the attributes (id_person, name, last name, email).
from logger_base import log
import psycopg2 as bd
import sys
class Conexion:
_DATABASE = 'test_db'
_USERNAME = 'postgres'
_DB_PORT = '5432'
_HOST = ''
_conexion = None
_cursor = None
def obtenerConexion(cls):
if cls._conexion is None:
cls._conexion = bd.connect(host=cls._HOST,
log.debug(f'Conexión exitosa: {cls._conexion}')
return cls._conexion
except Exception as e:
log.error(f'Ocurrió una excepción al obtener la conexión: {e}')
return cls._conexion
def obtenerCursor(cls):
if cls._cursor is None:
cls._cursor = cls.obtenerConexion().cursor()
log.debug(f'Se abrió correctamente el cursor: {cls._cursor}')
return cls._cursor
except Exception as e:
log.error(f'Ocurrió una excepción al obtener el cursor: {e}')
return cls._cursor
if __name__ == '__main__':
Persona and methods get and set
from logger_base import log
class Persona:
def __init__(self, id_persona=None, nombre=None, apellido=None, email=None):
self._id_persona = id_persona
self._nombre = nombre
self._apellido = apellido
self._email = email
def __str__(self):
return f'''
Id Persona: {self._id_persona}, Nombre: {self._nombre},
Apellido: {self._apellido}, Email: {self._email}
class PersonaDAO:
DAO (Data Access Object)
CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete)
_SELECCIONAR = 'SELECT * FROM persona ORDER BY id_persona'
_INSERTAR = 'INSERT INTO persona(nombre, apellido, email) VALUES(%s, %s, %s)'
_ACTUALIZAR = 'UPDATE persona SET nombre=%s, apellido=%s, email=%s WHERE id_persona=%s'
_ELIMINAR = 'DELETE FROM persona WHERE id_persona = %s'
def eliminar(cls, persona):
with Conexion.obtenerConexion():
with Conexion.obtenerCursor() as cursor:
valores = (persona.id_persona,)
cursor.execute(cls._ELIMINAR, valores)
log.debug(f'Objeto eliminado: {persona}')
return cursor.rowcount
with this method I can delete one at a time, but not multiple ids at once.
i don’t know your framework, but i’d try this
the problem is in delete():
One way of doing it:
Better way (but i don’t know if your framework supports passing the list as a parameter):
You did not say what Postgres Python driver you are using, but assuming
you can do the following.Using a test example table.
execute functions:Using an array of ids: